talia profile picture


I haven't entered a headline yet

About Me

the stars say i'm a lion. and i do indeed enjoy being lazy in the sun, being pet and groomed by friends, and of course making the kill - baaad kitty. i believe in things unseen, universal connections, and that i will never - really- die.

My Interests

chocolate, bagels, sleep, chemistry, music, guitar, classical guitar, biting, nibbling, hair tugging, writing, photography, neuroscience, evolution, parellel universes, puppies, the beautiful, the gifted, the enlightened, the unusual, santa cruz

I'd like to meet:

someone sexy! raaaar!! i want to be able to hold him and love him and squezze him and call him george. i want to have more inspiring muscians in my life...guitar players...make me melt...did i say that already, heh.


anything played with passion, within reason. fingering a guitar penetrates me in that really special makes ya melt spot...it's yummy.


amelie, city of lost children, antz, donnie darko, evil dead, matrix, adaptation, magnolia


ender's game, snow crash, the dancing wu li masters - if i could finish it, okay, any book probably if i could finish it