Im The Girl..............*That Loves Ferrero Rocher.. *That Loves Pink.. *That Lives In Her Own World.. *That Screams At Spiders.. *That Has Self Convo's.. *That Likes To Lay In The Sun.. *That Wants To Be A Fairy.. *That Loves Skirts And Thongs.. *That Likes To Dance.. *That Believes In Jinxs And That Things Come In Three's.. *That Likes To Collect Giraffes.. *That Is A Country Girl.. *That Misses Her Dog So Badly Each Day.. *That Likes To Read Girlie Mags.. *That Leaves Other Girls Un-easy.. *That Has A Cute 206.. *That Loves To Go Shopping.. *That Has Love For All Her Friends And Family.. *That Likes To Flirt.. *That Likes Flowers And Chocolates.. *That Talks To Everything.. *That Has Her Own Mind.. *That Likes To Pose.. *That Has Expensive Taste.. *That Has To Look In Every Mirror.. *That Has A Farm.. *That Gives Looks That Could Kill.. *That Likes Shiny / Flashing Lights.. *That Is Fussy Over What She Eats.. *That Likes Rough And Ready Blokes.. *That Always Tries To Forgive And Not Hate.. *That Laughs At Nothing.. *That Has A Runaway Imagination.. **THAT MAKES ME INDIVIDUAL AND ORIGINAL**
Some1 that is/has/that....
*Bit rough n ready, manly......
*Farmer, builder...hands on type.....
*Can pull off classy/presentable......
*That makes me happy....
*Has sense of humour.....
*Honest, Trustworthy, Loyal....
*That puts me at ease.....
*Thats abit live wire....
*Sex appeal.....
*That leaves me craving...
*A tease and a flirt....
*That puts me in a mentally safe place.....
*That will talk to me through the night.....
*That will take risks for me...
*That creates a situation that shouldnt be happenin but cant help it......
*That has something about them that attracts me....
*That Leaves me sayin yes when it should be no....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
You Love Me Because.....
RnB DnB Dance Hiphop. Bit of everything really but depends on what kind of day it is!
All Harry Potter, 2fast 2furious, Baby Boy, Honey, Virus, Grease, Pirates Of The Caribbean 1st 2nd and 3rd, green street, Snow dogs, Hot fuzz, Hairspray, Music and Lyrics.................. Anything funny,scary or porn which i got off Spike!
Usual soaps if i can b bothered 2 watch the tv. Tv more in the winter as i cant waste the summer sun.
Celeb mags no books unless its all pictures lol,porno magz which i got off Spike.. lol
Know Roger Daltrey and Jane Torville
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