Here is the lowdown.... We have a new facility at our disposal.
Primarily, we will use it to host the Brooklyn Bridge, although we may change the name. More to come on that.
While Safe Harbor Ministry [The Church] may take a respite, it is not altogether ended.
What is exciting about these changes is we will have the ability to host the bands that come from out of town and house them saving them & us travel expenses. Additionally, on occasion, we will have space for small concerts. More importantly, we will be able to continue in Brooklyn meeting its vital needs.NOW HERE IS WHERE WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! We have done all that we can do, the new facility is doing all they can do… IF you believe in this ministry, what it has done to reach the lost and encourage the saints, PLEASE HELP US !!! To make all of this possible, we need $6,000.00 to cover all of the necessary transfer expenses. Past & Present. Pleas pray and help us. Ever at His service…Pastor Russ
& The Brooklyn Bridge CrewOur Vision & Mission Statement*To have a place where Jesus would hang out if He had a day off.
*To restore people in their relationship to God to once again "walk with Him in the cool of the day"
*To provide Christ centered entertainment, ministry and fun in a clean wholesome atmosphere.
*To give a platform for anyone seeking the Kingdom of God and their spiritual call.
*To provide an outlet for Christians to learn, practice & perfect their gifts and talents.
*To win souls for Christ with a direction for discipleship to the Glory of GodCheck out our website!WWW.BBCCH.COM***DISCLAIMER*** The Brooklyn Bridge has no control over the advertisements and banners that may appear on this site. We apologize in advance for any inappropriate material that may show while visiting us here. We opened this "MySpace" site to accomodate a growing need between bands, artists, and people such as yourself who rely on this service. Thank you, Pastor Russ.
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