[video realizzato grazie al cilo di guidonia, riprese di martina bevilacqua, montaggio video di michele ceresini, musica dei jarawa, riprese effettuate all'interno della sala prove del cilo di guidonia nel giugno 2007]
[eng] 28 april 2008: catch above! we even made a video clip by the track RED
march and april 2008: new songs available on myspace: red and under
end of 2007 - jan 2008: here mixing 5 new tracks: under - thorn - (watch out) the red light - la sola idea - mantra
from june to september 2007: recording some new tracks.
may 2007 thanks to log0 for the first date (20th may, sinister noise with torquemada ) with the new formation.
march 2007: a new place to play our music is cilo in guidonia
june 2006: the new drummer is sergio caccamo, ex Crunch and S.Talker Inc..