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I am here for Friends

About Me

I try to strike a balance between clean, healthy living and profligate wastrelness. I live in LA but I travel a fair amount for work and pleasure so I'm often away. My website:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who's into plushies, and/or: People who believe there is value in practicing proper spelling, grammar and punctuation. People who travel to foreign places. People who read and constantly educate themselves. People who are humble yet believe passionately in their potential. People who aspire to simplicity while accepting their inherent complexity. People who value modesty but indulge caprice and extravagance now and then. People who talk with animals. People who are ambitious, but not too ambitious. People who speak more than one language. People who appreciate the difference between style and fashion. People who like to be physically active and eat well. People who make and consume art. People who make it a point to observe, investigate and participate in our current culture. People who can have fun no matter where they are. People who are capable of laughing about absolutely everything -including getting ass raped by a mongoloid hillbilly. Basically, I'd like to meet people who are nothing short of brilliant. I'm also really into asshole bleaching , bad teeth, dandruff, bad breath, skid marks, B.O., scientology, luddites, philistines, illiterates, Republicans, morons, asswipes, horse faces and fat asses -you know who you are. Bring it.

My Blog

Falling in the LA river

Friday, 3-10-06My good friend Rani from Israel has been in town this week and last night, he wanted to go out to the Shortstop, where he knew one of the bartenders and some of the regulars from when h...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Mar 2006 20:57:00 GMT

My thoughts on Ashes and Snow

This past weekend I went with a group of friends to see the Ashes and Snow exhibition at the Santa Monica pier. While I found the overall experience to be somewhat memorable, it left me with very mixe...
Posted by on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 21:39:00 GMT

White Owl

At about midnight on Monday night I was driving on the San Fernando road in Glendale among the warehouses, recycling centers, power plants and train tracks, looking for nighttime landscapes to photogr...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Jan 2006 19:55:00 GMT

Leaving again

Day after tomorrow I'm leaving for Dublin, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Copenhagen. As I'm fond of saying, the best part about LA is leaving. The worst part is coming back. There's nothing like that drive...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Aug 2005 23:22:00 GMT

My thoughts on 2004

2004 was incredible for me personally, I mean, I didn't fulfill my dreams or become rich or experience some great epiphany about my life or the world, but I did manage to see and do things that have e...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Jan 2005 01:51:00 GMT


I made the mistake of watching a video of an American hostage being beheaded in Iraq today. I was deeply disturbed, not surprisingly. The shocking cruelty of it got me thinking about how human beings ...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Sep 2004 23:19:00 GMT

The best part about LA... leaving. The worst part? Coming back. In spite of this, I am somewhat content to live here. On the one hand, it is a comparative paradise: abundant quality food, good weather, relatively cl...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Jul 2004 02:05:00 GMT

I have something positive to say

This has been a great year. I'm surprised to hear myself say that, and I might indeed retract it once the bane of cynicism rears its head in my life again. What has made this a great year is the thril...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Jul 2004 08:32:00 GMT

Back from India

I got home two days ago from 3 1/2 weeks in the subcontinent. It was an extraordinary trip, as any visit to India inevitably is. I spent one week apiece in Mumbai and Kolkata shooting a documentary pi...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Jun 2004 15:01:00 GMT

Last Friday...

I was up at 5am to film a breast augmentation operation for a pathetic television show about plastic surgery. I watched a woman's breasts be sliced open, internally cauterized (mmm, burning flesh smel...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Apr 2004 21:48:00 GMT