Trip to Europe: Done. Time to plan my next escape!
Anyone who is genuinely happy, together, confident, optimistic, adventurous, open minded and just plain FUN to be around. Someone who values TRUTH over convenience and substance over style. People who are unafraid to love themselves as they are, because if you don't no one else can, or will. Someone like that, AND...
Sammy Hager: That guy has got to be the coolest person in the world to party with... MAS TEQUILA BROTHER!
My Grandpa: (Dad's side) He died when I was a little guy so I don't remember him.
Someone-ANYONE: that can explain RAP music? to me, in English, 'cause I am apparently missing something...
Someone that can hang with me when I'm on a roll!
Mostly 70's-90's rock, metal and instrumental guitar stuff and blues. Take a look at the bands in my friends list, you'll get the idea. However,I can enjoy (almost) anything in the right atmosphere.
There are few things I like more than laughing out loud till soda/beer comes out of my nose and tears from my eyes at some ridiculously funny movie. There are far too many good flicks that have that effect on me to list here. I have a bit of a soft spot for the Brat Pack movies, I was the same age as the stars so I totally related. Love British comedy, the Monty Python TV series and movies are the best ever! I will also sit for a good action film and the occasional drama. Old Westerns and WW II films do it for me too.
I occasionally watch Discovery Learning History or Travel Channel stuff. When I want to go numb I'll hit Seinfeld and Frazier re-runs or Futurama and Famiy Guy which definitely quialify as laugh out loud funny! During the occasional bouts of insomnia I'll check out VH1 for cool 70's and 80's rockumenteries and countdowns. Oh, and Fox News Channel for my info fix.
Been feeling a little morose lately, so I am reading a collection of Edgar Allen Poe's dark short stories and poems. Also, Men's Health cover to cover every month. I'll peek at my girlfriend's Cosmo mag when no one's looking just to try get an idea what women are thinking...
Anyone who does the difficult or dangerous jobs others are unwilling to do, is not afraid to speak the truth, even when it's not politically correct, and does the right thing when no one is watching. Oh, and the guy who figured out fermentation... : )