shopping,swimming,movies,traveling,sleeping,bowling,pool,wha tever is fun
I'm just looking for friendship, nothing serious.Celebrity wise I'd like to meet my all time favorite, OPRAH! I'd also like to meet Destiny's Child, Halle Berry, Angela Bassett, Tina Turner, Will and Jada, Tom Cruise, the whole cast from Sex and the City, the whole cast from Soul Food, and all the wonderful black legendary women that Oprah invited to her house to honor that weekend!
Hip Hop, R&B, Pop, Reggae, Neo Soul,Classic Soul
The Notebook, The Five Heartbeats, Titanic, Clueless, The Color Purple, The Best Man, How Stella got her Groove Back, Imitation of Life (please see this movie!), Kill Bill Volume 1 and 2, What's Love got to do wit It, Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Madea's Family Reunion,Kung Fu Hustle(very funny),Memoirs of a Geisha
Martin, Fresh Prince, Good Times, Sex and the City (favorite!), Soul Food (other favorite!), Law and Order:SVU, Tyra Banks show, Oprah,The Flavor of Love
The Holy Bible,Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry, A Narrative in the life of Frederick Douglass
GOD,my parents,my sister,Oprah