Just Call Me Eyes... Green Eyes profile picture

Just Call Me Eyes... Green Eyes

I PaRtY liKe A MoThEr FuCkInG RoCk StAr!

About Me

My Interests

See Kids... Even Mickey Does It

I'd like to meet:

A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace
Full Name:: Jose Reyes
Birthday:: 10/16/1985
Birthplace:: NYC Baby!
Eye Color:: Green
Hair Color:: Dirty Blond
Height:: 6'2 (Im A Midget)
Weight:: 260
Right handed or Left handed?: Right
Your Heritage:: Platano All Day
My Worst Habit:: Biting My Tonuge
Zodiac Sign:: Libra (I Think, Who Cares)
Shoe Size:: 12
Pants Size:: 42
Innie or Outie?: Huh
Parents Still Together?: Yupp
The Shoes You Wore Today:: White & Blue 4's
Your Weakness:: Girls
Your Fears:: Dying Alone
Your Perfect Pizza:: Plain
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: Getting A Car
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: "Oh Word"
Thoughts First Waking Up:: What Am I Going To Do Today...
Your Best Physical Feature:: Eyes
Your Bedtime:: Dont Have One
Your Most Missed Memory:: High School
Favorite color?: Green
Food?: Mangu Con Salami
Sport?: Basketball
Animal?: Dogs
Ice Cream?: Mint Chocolate Chip
Candy?: Hate Candy
Store?: They All The Same Shit
Salad Dressing?: Dont Eat Salad
Actor?: Dont Have One
Song?: Ne-Yo "Because Of You"
Letter?: J
Number?: 21
Gum?: Hate Gum
Holiday?: Halloween
Season?: Spring
Toothpaste Flavor?: Colegate
Radio Station?: Ummmmm Dont Have One
Perfume?: Forgot The Name, But Smells Fucking Good
Scent besides perfume?: Hmmmm
Body part on the opposite sex?: Im A Ass Man
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: Anything That Deals With Computers
How Do You Want To Die?: When Im 90
Turn ons:: A Girls Smile
Turn offs:: Nasty Smell
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: No One Im To Unique
Who's The Loudest?: Lol My Boy Jhey
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: Im Always Happy, Im A Happy Nigga
Who Have You Known The Longest?: My Boy Chino
Who's The Shyist?: Flete... That Faggot (LMAO)
When Have You Cried The Most?: Not A Big Crier
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: Knowing That Im Loved By My Fams & Friends (Yea Im That Deep)
Worst Feeling?: Being Alone
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: Long Island
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: Nothing, Im Perfect (Yea I Fucking Said It)
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: Wow I Aint Answering That Shit
Let's walk on the: Beach
Let's look at the: Homeless Person Get Beat Up
What a nice: Fucking Day!
Where did all the: Drug Dealers Go?
Why can't we: Fuck In Your House?
Silly, little: Rabbit, Trix Are For Kids
Isn't it weird that: (I Got Nothing...)
Never under any circumstance: Would I Ever Hurt You
I wish: I Was Rich
Everyone has a: (Dont Have Anything....)
I am: The Best!
Been In Love?: Yes & I Hated It
Been To Juvie?: Nope I Dont Get Caught
Mooned Someone?: LMAO Yea
Been Rejected?: Yupp
Ran Away From Home?: Do I Look White To You? (Wait Dont Answer That)
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: Hmmm Not That I Recal (WTF Is Wrong With Me LMAO)
Skipped School?: LMAO Hell Yea
Thought About Suicide?: Sigh... Couple Of Times
Slept Outside?: Yupps
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: LMAO Yea
Cried In School?: Sigh.... Yea WOW
Thrown Up In School?: Hell Yea
Wanted To Be a Model?: Nah Male Models Are Gay
Cheated On Someone?: Nope Aint Like That
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: LMAO Yea
Seen A Dead Body?: Yea...
Been Bitched Out?: Hell Nah
Drank Alcohol?: LMAO Drinking Right Now
Smoked?: Yupp
Been On Drugs?: Weed
Eaten Sushi?: Hell Nah
Been On Stage?: Yupps
Gone Skinny Dipping?: Everyday, In My Shower
Shoplifted?: Yes I Have
Been Drunk?: Oh Belive That
Been Called A Tease?: Nope
Been Beaten Up?: Hell Nah
Swear?: Of Course I Do
Sing Well?: Hell Nah
Shower Daily?: Yupps
Want To Go To College?: Fuck School
Want To Get Married?: Hell Yea
Believe In Yourself?: Sometimes
Get Motion Sickness?: Nope, Aint A Pussy
Think You Are Attractive?: Yupp
Get Along With Your Parents?: Of Course
Like Thunderstorms?: Hell Yea Love Em
Play An Instrument?: Use To
Own An IPOD?: Thats A Waste Of Money (I Roll With A Cingular 8125)
Pray?: yupp
Go To Church?: Yupp Sundays Only Tho
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: When I Was Like 8
Keep A Journal/Diary?: Nope
Dance In The Rain?: LOL In DR When I Was Younger
Sing In The Shower?: Nope Cant Sing For Shit
Pepsi or Coke?: Pepsi All Day
McDonald's or Burger King?: McDonald's
Single or Group Dates?: Single
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Mix It Up Together ; )
Strawberries or Blueberries?: Hmm Strawberries
Meat or Veggies?: POLLO ALL DAY!
TV or Movie?: Both
Guitar or Drums?: Hmm Both
Adidas or Nike?: Nike Man... Adidas Sucks
Chinese or Mexican?: Seasme Chicken With French Fries!
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: Corn Flakes
Cake or Pie?: Cake
MTV or VH1?: MTV
Blind or Deaf?: Deaf
Boxers or Briefs?: Boxer's
Do The Splits?: Hell Nah
Write With Both Hands?: Nope Im Only A Righty
Whistle?: Yupp
Blow A Bubble?: I Hate Gum, But Yea I Can Make One
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: I Belive I Can
Cross Your Eyes?: Yupp
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: I Can But Might Bother Me
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: Nah Cant Do That
Dance?: Yea I Dance
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: Nah I Have To Worry
You Touched:: My Mom's
You Talked To On The Phone:: My Boy Chino
You Instant Messaged:: Domaris
You Hugged:: My Mom's
You Yelled At:: LOL My Mom's That Was A While Ago Tho
You Played A Sport With:: My Cuz & My Boys (The Day I Fucked Up My Ankle)
Time You Laughed?: 10 Mins Ago (Watching MTV Scared)
Time You Cried?: 6 Years Ago
Movie You Watched?: I Think It Was Firewall
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: Dont Remember
Joke You Told?: Cant Remeber
Song You've Sung?: Brian McKnight - Still In Love
Where Are You?: My Room
What Can You See Out Your Window?: Other Windows
Are You Listening To Music?: Nah
What Are You Wearing?: Cloths
What's On Your Mousepad?: A Lazer Mouse
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: Yupp
Do you believe in miracles?: Sometimes Not All The Time
Magic?: Nope
Love at first sight?: I Dont Belive In Love
God?: Of Course I Do
Satan?: Yea, Cause I've Seen Crazy Shit
Ghosts?: Hell Yea I Belive In Ghosts
Santa?: LOL Nope
Evolution?: Nah
Fav Eye Color:: Green, Hazel, Brown
Fav Hair Color:: Brunette, Black
Short or Long Hair:: Long Hair
Height:: 5'2 - 5'9
Weight:: Must Be Thick
Best Clothing Style:: In Style
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: Brazil
Number Of CD's I Own:: MP3 Players Nigga Its 2007
Your Good Luck Charm:: God
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 4
Do you drink milk?: Yupp I Do
Person You Hate Most:: My Ex From DR
Most Outdated Phrase:: "Loser"
Do you think God has a gender?: All Male
Where do you think we go when we die?: To Heaven
How many rings until you answer the phone?: 2
What is something scientists need to invent?: I Dont Kno...
Are you a health freak?: Not At ALL
Are you a virgin?: Nope
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: I Wont Go, Aint Fucking Wit That Rather Stay Here, Im Happy Here
What is the worst weather?: SNOW I HATE SNOW!
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: Hell Nah, I Played With Power Rangers (Dont Front Like You Never Did)
How many grades have you failed?: Alot...


Some Of The Movies I Like......

I Got Lots More But.....


Friends, Everybody Loves Ramond, Married with Children, Family Guy, American Dad, Mtv, Bet, & more & more


ummmmmmmm........ im not a big reader but i actually read Harry Potter


My Sister, & Parents