.:. BASiC iNF0 .:.
MA NAM3---: Ashanti
MA BiRTHDAY---: january 8,1992
WH3R3 i C0M3 FRM---: on 5th
WH3R3 iM AT N0W---: Gary
.:. MA L00Kz .:.
HAiR C0L0R---: Dark Brown
3Y3 C0L0R---: Dark Brown
MA RAC3---: a straight nigga
MA B0Di TYP3---: ask Markell....LOL
.:. WAT i LiK3 AND WAT i HAT3 .:.
DiSLiK3z---: HATAZ
LiK3z---: Markell,Sexy Spec, Bow Wow,and Trey songz
WAT ANN0Yz M3---: when people be in my face and they breath be stankin
.:. BASiC FAV0RiT3z .:.
C0L0R---: Blue
F00D---: cheese steaks
SiNG3R---: Beyonce'
RAPP3R---: Bow Wow and lil wayne
CiTY---: My City
SH0---: Family Guy
DRiNK---: Lemonade
.:. ALL MA H0Mi3z .:.
WH0z THA L0UD3ST---: Donte'
WH0z THA FUNNi3ST---: Shawnee,Trell,Josh and Donte'
WH0z THA CRAZi3ST---: All of them
WH0z THA SHY 0N3---: Shannon
WH0z THA 0N3 U CAN TALK T0 B0UT ANYTHiN---: Shawnee and Shannon
WH0z M0R3 0UTG0iN---: Josh
WH0z THA B3ST FiGHT3R---: All us got handz
WH0z THA B3ST TRASH TALK3R---: Trell and Josh (they be talkin greasy 24/7)
WH0z THA 0N3 WH0 ASKz AL0T 0F QU3STi0Nz---: Trell
WH0z THA TR0UBL3MAK3R---: Josh
WH0z THA NiC3ST 0N3---: Shannon
WH0z THA M3AN3ST---: Pooda
WH0z UR B3T FRi3ND---: Shawnee
.:. iN AN0THA P3RS0N .:.
STYL3---: Markell's style
HAiR---: good hair
RAC3---: Nigga
B0Di TYP3---: sexy
P3RS0NALiTY 0R L00Kz---: both
SW33T 0R NiC3---: both
SHY 0R L0UD---: loud
L0V3 0R LiK3---: like alot
.:. MA LAST .:.
HUG---: my grandma
KiSS---: Linden(wont happen again)
S3Ri0US BF/GF---: Trey
TXT M3SSAG3---: shannon
PH0N3 CALL---: Trey
W0RD---: word
.:. G3T 0N MA L3V3L .:. SURVEY @ MyHotQuiz
...::About Me::...
Full Name: Ash@nt! Rhash!! Gr@y
Eye Color: d@rk brown
Hair Color: d@rk brown
Height: t@ll
Shoe Size: 7.5
Ring Size: ! dont kno
Heritage: bl@ck n proud
Graduating Year: 2010
Birthdate: J@nuary 8
Zodiac Sign: C@pr!corn b@by
Concert: K@ny3 w3st
Best Friend: Sh@wn33
Crush: y@ll in buss!n3ss
Pet: my dog f!d3ll
Sport: dont got 1
...::Have You Ever::...
Sky Dived: n@w
Bungee Jumped: n@w
Gone out of the Country: n@w
Beaten Someone Up: y3ah
Gotten Beat Up: nope
Killed an Animal: y3@ @ @nt lol
Swam in the Ocean: n@w
Broke the Law: n@w
Smoked: y3@
Chewed Tobacco: n@w
Drank: y3ssir ! b popp3d.....lol
Been Kissed: y3@
Been In Love: y3@
Dumped Someone: y3@
Been Dumped: y3@
Broken Someone's heart: y3@
Had Your Heart Broken: pl3nty of t!m3z unfortun@ely
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: y3@
Broken A Bone: no
Had Surgery: no
Had an X-ray or MRI: no
Failed a Class: y3a
Color: blu3
Food: ch33s3 st3@ks
Drink: kool@!d
Snack: twink!es
Cereal: sm@cks
Ice Cream: v@nilla n str@wb3rry
Candy: mr.goodb@r
Restaurant: b3nn!g@ns
Fast Food Place: m!ckey d's
Store: @3ropostl3
Animal: dog
Sport To Play: none !m r3@l [email protected]
Sport To Watch: b@sk3t b@ll
Movie: @m3r!c@n g@nst@
TV Show: @mer!c@'s n3xt top mod3l
Type Of Music: h!p hop & r&b
Band: pr3tty r!cky
Singer: B3yonc3
Song: Br@nd N3w
Pepsi or Coke: p3ps!
Vanilla or Chocolate: v@n!lla
Cake or Ice Cream: !c3 cr3@m
McDonalds or Burger King: m!ck3y d's
Love or Money: lov3
Music or TV: mus!c
Cat or Dog: dog
Mom or Dad: both
Truck or Car: c@r
Ocean or Lake: oc3@n
Yahoo or Hotmail: ..y@hoo
Google or AJ: googl3
Light or Dark: l!ght
Country or City: city
Rain or Sunshine: sunsh!n3
...::The Opposite Sex::...
First Thing You Notice: f@c3
Personality or Looks: both
Hair Color: d@rk brown
Eye Color: d@rk brown
Short or Tall: t@ll
Romanic or Spontaneous: both
Sense of Humor or Sweet: both
Hook up or Relationship: r3l@t1onsh!p
Feeling: s@d
Listening To: th3 truth by !nd!@ @r!3
Wanna: b3 w!t my boo
Doing Besides Typing: w@tch!n tv
Thinking About: my boo
Wearing: pj's
In Love: ! think ! @m just f@llin !n lov3
Single: yea
Best Friends: y3@ Sh@wnee my 1 and only bff real talk
...::The Future::...
Career: s!ng!n
Marriage: y3a
Kids: 1
The Ultimate Survey @ MyHotQuizBow wow, Sexy Spec and Trey songz
.. Click here for more information about the songs
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