as some one who appreciates what i do i take my work very seriously and use evryday and every horse to learn from. however when not under a horse or at the forge, i spend most of my time paddling on the narrows of the green. i also have been building up a new bike and continue to climb when it's cool enough.
happy people with a passion for life.
anything goes. my ipod includes anything from bach and handel, to flying frog brigade, the dead, ymsb, j5, and of course anything VI.
try not to but i do have weekness for hockey, skiing and csi, law and order type shows .
most recently i have been reading "The Canterbury Tales". favorites include anything by Langtson Hughes, E.E. Cummings, "The Things They Carried", "Get Fuzzy", "Boondocks", and "The Kite Runner".
my parents for everything they've endured over the years to get to where they're at now.