U cant touch this! profile picture

U cant touch this!


About Me

all u need to kno is i am a very very complex person k =/

My Interests

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The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to the First Level of Hell - Limbo!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Level Score
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Very High
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) Very High
Level 2 (Lustful) Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous) Very Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) Very Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) Very Low
Level 7 (Violent) Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) Very Low
Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test


I enjoy all movies


Favorite show is family guy and NARUTO!!!


Myspace Layouts


The COMPLETE About me survey!
Name: Ryan
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Screen Name: scroll up idiot
Birthday: 6/27/every year
Race: white
School/Grade: done with it all WOOT
Job: still lookin...
Status: wtf is status?!
Hometown: idk cant remember
Current Town: south bend indiana
Parents Still Together?: nope
Siblings: 3 bro 1 sis
Pets: 2 cats
Smoker: u kno it
Drinker: on occasion if there is enough to get crunked
Virgin: depends if ur offerin
Orientation: STRAIGHT
Drugs: hell no
Hair Color: brown
Is It Dyed?: nope
Eye Color: brown
Height: 5'8"
Style: u mean what i wear or my hair?
Glasses/Contacts/None?: nope
Freckles: no
Body Type: average
Shoe Size: 12
Piercings: 6 gauge in left ear
Want More?: idk
Tattoos?: i wish
Want More?: ...
Braces?: nope
Overall Best Feature:: umm me?
Overall Worst Feature:: ...me...
Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad?: dad
Favorite Color: red FTW
Worst Color: umm..hmm..purple?
Favorite Number: 7
Favorite Animal: bird
Least Favorite Animal: dont have 1
Favorite Flower: ...ok
Favorite Food: anything spicy
Worst Food: brussel sprouts
Favorite Junk Food: all!
Worst Junk Food: is there a bad kind?
Favorite Restaraunt: idk
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: strawberry or vanilla
Favorite Candy:
Favorite Alcoholic Drink: BEEER!!
Favorite NON Alcoholic Drink: SODA!
Worst Alcoholic Drink: vodka
Worst NON Alcoholic Drink: idk..
Favorite Genre of Music: anything that gets me pumped!
Worst Genre: country
Favorite Band/Artist: not sure
Worst Band/Artist: ...
Favorite Song: i like a bunch cant tell
Worst Song: dont kno...
Favorite Radio Station: dont listen to radio all my shit is downloaded!
Favorite Book: anything that proves a challenge
Worst Book: books without chapters and have like 48 font
Favorite Type of Movie: zombie/horror/comedy
Worst Type of Movie: romance/chick flix
Favorite Movie: DUH Shaun of the Dead, only movie to cross to genres
Worst Movie Ever: i dont hate any particular movie
Favorite TV Show: NARUTO
Wost TV Show: pee wee playhouse
Favorite Season of the Year: spring /summer
Worst Season: winter
Best Friend: Mike
Worst Enemy: MIKE!
Favorite Day of the Week: friday/saturday
Least Favorite Day of the Week: sunday/monday
Favorite Sport: soccer
Sport You Hate: i dont hate any sport
One thing you cant get enough of: playin WoW
One thing you hate more than anything: a jackass
Are You Single?: yup
If not, who is your bf/gf?: ..
How Long Have You Been Together?: ..
If You're Single, Do you Like It?: not really
Do You Have a Crush On Anyone Right Now?: of course
First Kiss: 2nd grade, hehe
Ever Kiss in the Rain?: is this a test?
In a Movie Theater?: ..
Underwater?: ..
First Love: dont even go there.
Have you ever Cheated on Anyone?: no never will
Been Cheated on?: hope not
Used Someone?: nope never will either
Been used?: hope not..again
Lied to your bf/gf?: i try not to
Ever Made out With Just a Friend?: ya
Ever Had Sex With Just a Friend?: no
Are You a Tease?: ya lol
Do you Flirt a Lot?: hehe depends
Longest Relationship: 2yrs
Shortest: 2days....
Have you Ever Gotten a Poem?: ya
Ever Get Flowers?: no
Sweetest Thing You've Ever Gotten: idk...
Do you Like Valentine's Day or Sweetest Day?: V day is my sis b-day so sure i guess so
Do you Believe in Love at First Sight?: sorta ya sorta no
Do you Believe in "The One"?: i think so
Do you Fall in Love Fast?: i wish i didnt
Are you a Player?: not really
Would you ever Hook Up With Someone of the Same sex?: hell no
Have You ever Kissed 2 People in One Day?: yes
Kissed 2 People At One Time?: yes lol
Had Sex with 2 People in One day?: no
Had sex with 2+ People at One Time?: no lol
Ever cried over someone of the opposite sex?: many times
Ever Been Dumped?: ya
Ever dumped someone?: no i odnt do the dumpin
Ever been rejected?: multiple times
Do you have a lot of ex's?: 4-5 i think
Are you a slut?: ...umm..noo
Ever been called one?: ..
Ever dated someone more than once?: i cant remember
Do you ever make the first move?: half the time ya
Double dates or single?: single
Do you want to get married?: i hope to
OPPOSITE SEX (what you're attracted to)
Hair Color: doesnt matter to me
Short or long?: ditto
Eye color?: doesnt matter, but green rocks!
Style: hair style or what?
Age: 14-19
Height: hopefully shorter than i
Weight: that shouldnt matter
Muscular or skinny?: the skinny thing crosses the weight ? dude
Boxers or Breifs?: BOXERS FTW
Do you care about looks?: not at all, personality is what gets me
Can you drive?: not yet
Do you have a car?: sorta hehe
Do you have a cell phone?: always
Are you online a lot?: 18hrs a day at least
Do you like gay/bi people?: i dont hate them
Can you speak another language?: swedish/japanese/english
Do you do well in school?: i had a IQ of 115 in 5th grade, imagin senior yr..
Do you collect anything?: used to collect cards of all types
Have an obsession?: every1 does
Do you hate yourself?: always
Ever smile for no reason?: ya lol
Talk to yourself?: sometimes
Do you have any regrets?: about alot of things
Believe in magick?: not really
Do you support gay marriage?: yes
Sex before marriage?: yes
Do you trust people easily?: no, never have, been..hurt..alot
Forgive easily?: i can, depends on length of relationship
Do you have a secret no one knows?: yes i do
Do you get along with your parents?: sometimes
What about other people?: not so much
How do you vent your anger?: ..i beat up a security guard cause he got in the way of a student..
Do you like George Bush?: pfft no
Goal Before you die?: be needed by some1
Biggest Fear: spiders i think
Beggest Weakness: i trust opposite sex too ez, then get burned
Do you play an instrument?: nope
What do you want to be when you grow up?: i am grown up..and im gonna own my own store
Are you...
A bitch?: ....ok
A daydreamer?: all day
Shy?: i can be
Talkative?: depends if i have taken my meds
Energetic?: ditto from above
Happy?: half the time
Depressed?: other half the time
Funny?: depends if u have the same sense of humor as i
Slutty?: ....noo
Boring?: ditto from funny
Mean?: depends if u piss me off
Nice?: i try my hardest to keep a smile
Caring?: yes i try to be
Trustworthy?: i am trustworthy, it is u that should be concerned
Confident?: depends on the situation
Friendly?: i try my hardest to be
Smart?: im am pure brain!
Sarcastic?: read what i type and u tell me
Dependable?: same thing as trustworthy...
Quiet?: depends...
Weird?: thats a 3rd person point of view question
Adaptable?: i can adapt to most situations, unless u piss me off
Strong (emotionally)?: i have a strong will if thats what u mean, try to get me to say mercy..never
Strong (physically)?: depends on what ur view of strong is
Mature?: yes i try
Logical?: always
Religious?: not really
Modest?: i try to think so
Indesicive?: always
Sympathetic?: i guess, i try not to sympathize, makes me feel weak
Polite?: ur point of view tell me
Creative?: yes i am
Fun to be around?: 3rd person question again
Loveable?: i hope so
Easily Amused?: u kno it
Outgoing?: nope
Daring?: depends on the dare and if im drunk
Clumsy?: not unless im drunk
Nosy?: i try not to eavesdrop
Lazy?: pretty much ya
Scary?: 3rd person question
Optimistic?: sometimes i am
Persuasive?: idk dont talk to others much unless online
A good listener?: not really
Curious?: alot ya
Determined?: always
Determined?: ...see above
Artistic?: depends on difficulty of the art ur talkin about
Honest?: always
Respectful?: if u deserve respect ill give it
Concieted?: no
Cocky?: most of the time
Controlling?: i try not to be
Playful?: i can be
Easygoing?: sorta
Carefree?: nope
Hot Headed?: u kno it
Serious?: sometimes
Thoughtful?: thoughtful and considerate have
Considerate?: similar meaning pick a new 1
Stubborn?: always
Romantic?: depends how much i care
Ambitious?: ambitious and optimistic same meaning pick a new 1
Jealous?: of what?
Insecure?: sometimes..ya
Obsessive?: alredy asked that scroll up
Attentive?: not really
Helpful?: i can be..
Punctual?: i actually dont kno
Rational?: unless im pissed, ya
Sincere?: not really, unless i care
Tolerant?: not really unless i kno u well
Did you enjoy this survey?: i guess, i was wastin time
Was it too long?: ya kinda took 20mins of my life
Do you think it contained just about everything?: o ya
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My Blog

Now u kno y i hate myself...

Untitled I love u all But u all Hate me I'd give my life for u And still u wouldn't see The pain that u have caused Is more than one could bear If i were to die today Noone would care As i sit and pon...
Posted by U cant touch this! on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 10:15:00 PST

An Ode To My Past

A Red Sensory Image Red looks like a fiery blaze in the night forever burning like the pits of Hell. Red sounds like crackling twigs in the heat of the fire burning away. Red tastes like the swea...
Posted by U cant touch this! on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 04:25:00 PST