God, Family,hanging out with my friends and sorors, shopping of course( I'm an AKA), SINGING, helping other people, social events, going out to eat and party,traveling and dressing up!
I would like to meet down to earth people such as my self. I am pretty much cool with everybody unless you come with that bullshit! I am allergic to bullshit so dont come around me with that mess because its contagious! I don't need it! I love to meet people who love music,life and just having a good time!. I also would like to meet some of my sorors and other black greeks across the country. Holla @ me!
I absolutely love singing and music! I come from a singing family so it is in my DNA. I love gospel music basically of any kind. I love quartet music as well as choirs. I love R&B also. Some of my favorite artist are Anthony Hamilton, Mary J., Jaimee Foxx, Trey Songs, John Ledgend, India Aire, etc. Rap and Hip Hop are on the top of my lists too.. Young Jeezy, T.I.,D4L, anything southern!
Color Purple, Five Heart Beats, Temptations, Meet Joe Black, Honey, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Crash, anything Madea!
Martin, My wife and Kids, Lost, Desperate Housewives, Extreme Makeover Home Edition, Jaime Foxx Show, Oprah,Dr.Phil,ComicView, All My Children...
The Bible, The Purpose Driven life, Captivating... anything that helps me better myself in anyway.
When I think of heroes, I think of people who have sacrificed of themselves to better or uplift someone else without any regets. My number one hero is Jesus!!!( Can I get an Amen?!) I think of my mother as a hero. I also think of African American civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Malcolm X... people who risked their lives so that I could have a better one.