Reading, cooking, travel(I recently returned from SE Asia), games, computers, philosophy, theology, psychology, and anything that well interests me.
Jack Nicholson, Anthony Bourdain, David Bowie, my mother, anyone who is not worried about being cool, but IS cool. Music freaks, armchair philosophers, world travelers, and well read wunderkind of all stripes.
Casablanca, Bladerunner, Breakfast At Tiffany's, Cool Hand Luke, Fight Club, Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas, The first 4 James Bond films, Blue Velvet, Lost Highway, Hero, The Thing, High Fidelity, Dawn of the Dead, Domino, City of Lost Children, Dune, and way too many others.
Although I rarely watch it, I will admit to following Lost, No Reservations w/ Anthony Bourdain, and the Food Network whenever I can.
Anything by: Philip K Dick, Jonathan Lethem, Will Christopher Baer, Noah Levine, Neil Gaiman, Haruki Murakami, crime noir, cyberpunk/steampunk, philosophy, travel tales, and pretty much anything that comes my way. Hell I'm a bibliophile!
Buddha,The Dalai Lhama, David Bowie, William S. Burroughs, Hunter S. Thompson, Carl Jung, Jack Nicholson, Anthony Bourdain, Myself, and my Dad.