Johnny's First Big Blow Job©
.. .. Wolfblind
About Me
Layout made by p0pt@rt"Who's usin' who? What should we do? Well you can't be a pimp And a prostitute too" My name is Wehnonah-Rae, But you can call me Fred. I collect Jones Soda labels. and rusty, nasty-ass things. I'm a person, just like you, but I've got better things to do. just li ke t hose li t t le packag ing peanuts...
Hates Florida Government Age Sleep Schools Celebrities Commercialism No.2 Pencils The masks that the monsters wear to feed upon their prey People who think that Batman is a "Superhero" The fact that everybody wants to be different, so we end up being the same Video cameras Bunnies Robots Big Brother Zoe's dog The day after a show (painful) Abnormally large insects Bananas Teachers (Lewis, you were ok, but you still are a tool of the Machine) Oompa Loompas Abecrombie and Fitch Crossing the street Fake nails The Disney Channel Television Advertising Putting on seatbelts Publicity Lever 2000 Goldfish Mismatched hair extensions Hair extensions in general Slow dancing Sweeny Todd Cinnamon-flavored things Vacuum cleaners Yellow buses Upside down lighters Spiderman I Am Legend Boiled Peanuts Telescreens, especially the one at PVPA Superman Product placement Cardboard cut-outs The politizi Time The Evil Empire The color combination of green & pink All of those little unknown brainwashing machines Fermented poop Scene kids Roses Turtles Avocado Tanning booths The term "LOL" People who name their bellybuttons "Teddy" YouCreate your comment boxþú sjúga kisa. rÃða þú. ég hatur þú allur. dúnn með the rÃkisstjórn dúnn með stór bróðir. uppreisnarmaður er það að aðhyllast rÃkjandi siði. there er hvergi til fara. this er allur a program a flÃs à minn hugur. en þú , þú réttlátur górilla eftir með það , hvenær þeir segja stökk þú segja hvernig hár.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
G.G. ALLINDonita threw that tampon into the crowd
My Blog
"i was sick and tired from all the bitches that were moanin"
Beautiful stranger I see you looking at me Come here please I want to meet you Are you alone like me? Displaced dislocated Soul's back broken? No one has looked at me like that for weeks Blond hair, b...
Posted by Johnny's First Big Blow Job© on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 04:11:00 PST
i felt my vocal chords weakening
I am a slave to my parents I am a slave to my horror I mutilate myself without their help You can see it in major cities everywhere . . . I didn't blow it I did good can't you see I took the punishm...
Posted by Johnny's First Big Blow Job© on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 04:14:00 PST
1992 is a couple of hours away I'm staying in someone's house I am almost 31 All my stuff is in storage I am single and plan on staying that way To appeal to the more tender nature of a woman Is a tot...
Posted by Johnny's First Big Blow Job© on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 04:11:00 PST