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About Me

.. - Get Your Own
Image code by MySpaceDirect.comWell, if you got to know me you would realise that I am into something different every week but I have very good intentions! I know one thing, I wanna see as many parts of this world as I possibly can, in my own time of course. Errrrm, I'm an actress.I know where I want to end up but at the moment I am taking the long way round or the " scenic route" working on a few projects, but hey ho..... I'm learning. Currently working for a sales company, Just finished working at a fantastic theatre school, teaching Drama to a very talented group of children and young adults. Next best thing to doing it myself. I like what I like more than anyone else does, I want what I want more than anyone else does, I love who I love so much and they know who they are and one day I intend to make everyone of them very proud. So thats me..... yeah brilliant! FABULOUS!! Im a my space NERRRRD and I love it! hahahaGet Your Own! | View Slideshow
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
Image code by MySpaceDirect.com
Name: Leah
Birthdate: 16th March
Birthplace: Orsett Hospital
Current Location: Essex
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5ft 7
Weight: Im healthy! hehe
Piercings: yes
Tatoos: yes
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Nope
Overused Phraze: bubs, fabulous, reeeeeeearlly?!, "you gotta laugh when......"
Food: Sausage and Mash...........so classy
Candy: Prefer crisps
Number: 8
Color: Red
Animal: small monkey
Drink: Back to the good old vodkat, lemonade and Limeo!
Alcohol Drink: usually vodka lemonade and lime
Letter: L
Body Part on Opposite sex: Im blushing
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: BK
Hot tea or Ice tea: Ice
Chocolate or Vanilla Vanilla
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Milky Coffee
Kiss or Hug: Both
Dog or Cat: Cat
Rap or Punk: Punk
Summer or Winter: Summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Funny
Love or Money: Love
Bedtime: after everyone else
Most Missed Memory: being in a pram
Best phyiscal feature: tattys! .....erm I mean my smile
First Thought Waking Up: I would like to go back to sleep please
Goal for this year: prepare for next which is going to big
Best Friends: Tom cunningham,Michelle Francis
Weakness: Love, money
Fears: love, money
Longest relationship: yeah......well
Ever Drank: Yes
Ever Smoked: Yes
Pot: Yes
Ever been Drunk: Yes
Ever been beaten up: No
Ever beaten someone up: No
Ever Shoplifted: Yes
Ever Skinny Dipped: Yes
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: yes
Been Dumped Lately: nope
Favorite Eye Color: it depends
Favorite Hair Color: it depends
Short or Long: skinhead, or long but it has to be cut very well
Height: same height as me or taller
Style: would be nice
Looks or Personality: BOTH
Hot or Cute BOTH
Drugs and Alcohol: addictions are not attractive
Muscular or Really Skinny: muscular
Number of Regrets in the Past: dont believe in them whats the point
What country do you want to Visit: so many
How do you want to Die: I havnt thought about it
Been to the Mall Lately: yesterday
Do you like Thunderstorms: romantic
Get along with your Parents: extremely well
Health Freak: not really
Do you think your Attractive: I like to think so
Believe in Yourself: hell yes
Want to go to College: been, performing arts college for three years
Do you Smoke: yes
Do you Drink: yes
Shower Daily: twice daily
Been in Love: No
Do you Sing: all the time
Want to get Married: Yes if I meet the right person
Do you want Children: most deffinately if I meet the right person
Have your future kids names planned out: is it sad that I do? I like reece and Erin
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: excuse me, done that
Hate anyone: no

My Interests

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My Blog

What a Knob!

..> ..> ..> ..> Romance and relationships - ish! So I wake up Saturday morning, and casually get ready for what is supposed to be a very good day! Going to watch nice young men play football...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 13:47:00 GMT