My interests, well there are a few, Love Riding my ATV, Dirt Bikes, Friends, My Girl, BMX, Skateboard, Party, and lots of fun. I cannot live without fun in my life.
I like Three Doors Down, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, KMK, kingspade.
Action movies, you know like Black Hawk Down, and Underseige 1 and 2, oh and like comedy Movies to, you know Blue Collor Comedy Tour, Not like Napolean Dynamite, I hate that movie.
I Don't Know but I don't watch television that much, mostly movies all the time.
Books, I can't stand books. I do not have the ablity ti sit in a chair and ready at long periods of time. even 10 minutes is to long for me. there just not interesting for me.
My heroes would have to be my Mother and Father, because they are the ones who raised the person I am today.. I see nothing they did wrong on raising me. I Love Them Both Very Much. Oh and I can't forget thoughs who protect and serve this country for us to live in peacfully. well from people outside of our country atleast.found this guys layout at HOT :: MyHotComments