friendship, music, nature, computer, psycology, billiard, fun, sex, green, 420, rasta, reggae
maybe you... maybe her... maybe him... them maybe... and fcoz, ma beyb vegisarindahbersemisayangku..! Aurelia Latief..
reggae, funk, groove, tribal, doggystyle rock steady music... bla bla bla pokokna doggystylefunkharmonytribalypercussionisticasikreggaebluesja zzamaR&Bithopndagelaria!
Martin Lawrence, Eddy Murphy, Queen Lativah, Jet Li, Andy Garcia, Bruce Wilis, Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Love Hewitt, J-lo, Julia Stiles, Jessica Alba, bla bla bla
U should of scepticize hollywood, Disney n corporate's hypnotizing advertisement!
They try to build another prison system for YOU n ME to leave in..!!
Pramoedya Ananta Toer, John Grisham
Mom & Dad, Bob Marley, Iwan Fals, Marthen Luther King, Greenpeace.. I adore their vision.