Jeff [reno] profile picture

Jeff [reno]

If I cant dance, it is not my revolution

About Me

I don't really feel that a person can be described in words. There is so much more to a person than can be filled in an "about me" section of a website. I think the only way for you to know "about me" is to know who I am, spend time with me, and get to know who I am. So if you would like to know about me then make an effort to do so...
I try to live my life as cruelty-free as possible. I myself am vegan and strongly encourage anyone who is interested to look into cruelty-free lifestyle. The foods we choose to eat, the products we choose to use, and the clothes we choose to wear make a powerful statement about who we are as people and our ethics. If you would like more information, please message me and I will help point you in the direction of good sources that will help educate you.
I strongly suggest looking into: Veganism - What we choose to eat makes a powerful statement!
Independent Media - Don't believe everything you hear on the news!
Earth First! - Stop destroying the planet!
Info Shop - Great resource of news and much more!
Coop America - Pay attention to what you buy!

My Interests

Keepin it real, honest, positive, cruelty, and god free!

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who can hold my attention.


I have a large collection of music and I listen to tons of'd be surprised...


- Harold and Maude
- V For Vendetta
- School of Rock
- Billy Elliot
- Storytelling
- Toy Story
- Finding Nemo
- Super Troopers
- Breakfast Club
- Garden State
- Harold and Kumar
- You Got Served
- Wedding Crashers
- Zoolander
- Hard Candy
- Sleepers


- National Geographic
- History Channel
- Discovery Channel


- The Perks Of Being A Wall Flower
- First They Killed My Father
- The King James Bible


Im not sure if I know of one person who hasn't let me down at some point.

My Blog

What we make it!

A year ago I was about to get my wisdom teeth ripped out of my mouth, which put me out of commission for three weeks and then I left for tour. Sick and miserable I traveled around in a cramped vehicle...
Posted by jeff [reno] on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 09:12:00 PST

Set It Straight show in pictures!

*Sorry Bloody Lip, I did not get any photos of you guys...I was busy working the door. Last night was nothing short of much fun. Hanging out with set it straight and skeletons all day yes...
Posted by jeff [reno] on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 10:00:00 PST