I don't really feel that a person can be described in words. There is so much more to a person than can be filled in an "about me" section of a website. I think the only way for you to know "about me" is to know who I am, spend time with me, and get to know who I am. So if you would like to know about me then make an effort to do so...
I try to live my life as cruelty-free as possible. I myself am vegan and strongly encourage anyone who is interested to look into cruelty-free lifestyle. The foods we choose to eat, the products we choose to use, and the clothes we choose to wear make a powerful statement about who we are as people and our ethics. If you would like more information, please message me and I will help point you in the direction of good sources that will help educate you.
I strongly suggest looking into:
Veganism - What we choose to eat makes a powerful statement!
Independent Media - Don't believe everything you hear on the news!
Earth First! - Stop destroying the planet!
Info Shop - Great resource of news and much more!
Coop America - Pay attention to what you buy!