tim profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

I graduated from college at Point Loma in San Diego and now I'm Pastor of Youth Ministries at my home church, Crossroads. And I am in love with my job. I'm in love with God and his son, Jesus. I want to carry out His plan for my life. I want to face each new day as an adventure waiting to be lived, and I want to learn to love more and fear less.

My Interests

nature, outdoors, reading, writing, my macbook, running, eating new foods, playing guitar, photography, 1930s French Films, traveling, and all of the other cliche things that people list here

I'd like to meet:

Jesus. Paul. My Wife. Johnny Depp. Mark Driscoll. David Crowder. Louie Giglio. Matt Groening. Diane Neal. anyone who will challenge how I live and the preconceived notions that I have.


current favorites include emery, underoath, john mayer, needtobreathe, mute math, future of forestry, sufjan stevens, david crowder, sigur ros, phil wickham, and sean mahoney.


braveheart(always), batman begins, garden state, crash, liar liar, legends of the fall, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings


Everest: Beyond the Limit, Heroes, Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe, The Office, The Simpsons, Lost, Law & Order: SVU.


Wild at Heart by John Eldredge, The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis, the Harry Potter series, Velvet Elvis, Sex God, Praise Habit, and I'm trying to always read new things...


Jesus, Paul, David Crowder, my late grandfather Lowell Anderson, Sean Mahoney, Peter Petrelli, Hurley from Lost, Spiderman, John Muir, Freddie Mercury, and Marshall from Alias. That pretty much sums up who I want to be one day.

My Blog

is it cliche to say im overwhelmed?

I'm trying to find words for where exactly my mind and my heart are right now. It's not like they're in different places. They're in the same place as always, but they've been altered. And now I'm t...
Posted by tim on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 10:55:00 PST