2 + 2 = Tim profile picture

2 + 2 = Tim

About Me

perversive, pursuasive, pedantic, petulant, bi-pedal, procrastanational, pretty, practical, pompous, pyrotechnical, prince of perverted propensities involving both poking pert little peaches with my proper purple pertuberance and pounding pearl percussion pieces, portraying my penchant for polluting the peace and pissing off the public...

if you don't know what i think you don't know, then know this- you'll never know, but if you know more than i think you know but less than i know that i know then you'll know that knowledge is inconsequential......like top of the pops................my balls itch

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Chilled out, crazy, eccentric, party people with a crazy glimmer in their eye (drug induced or not). Musicians, card players, crazy geeks, movie buffs, drug dealers, antiestablishmentarians, mad scientists, former suicide bombers, THE MAN, vic and bob, adam and joe, Dennis Bergkamp, Thierry Henry, Arsene Wenger, Chris Morris, Miike Takashi, George Lucas (so i could kick him in the teeth), George W Bush (ditto)

My Blog

Lamb of God and the mighty Slayer

Well what can you say- what can i say? its my blog, i suppose its up to me! Right, i'd been waiting for this gig for four months. Four months of long waiting, knowing the ticket was mine, i was defini...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 07:31:00 GMT