I'd like to meet:
I host a progressive net talk show .. We are dedicated, committed, activists ... ON THE AIR ... to help Americans, in unity, regain their voice in this country.
I'm deeply concerned that the wheels have come off our political system. Many have lost hope that the American Dream is slipping away, and time is short to get America back on track.
Neither major political party reflects the aspirations, fears or will of the American people. Both parties have polarized and alienated the people. Both are unduly influenced by single-issue groups. Both are excessively dominated by money. Because of this, some Americans have given up.
I urge all Americans to UNITE YOUR VOICES and send a clear message to our government.
We are no longer willing to allow you to make self serving decisions not in our best interest.
We're expsoing the subtle media manipulation hoisted on unsuspecting middle class! Our governments lack of accountability for their unethical conduct. Americans key issues avoided for Congress's political gain.