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Don't let yesterday use up too much of today - Cherokee Indian Proverb

About Me

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I'm a 37 year old mother/housewife of three amazing boys with another son on the way, and a loving man at my side, that I am proud to call "My Husband".
Due February 12, 2009 Victor James Montgomery
I have been in a steady relationship for five years now. I have NEVER loved another as much as he!!! You can ask anyone who knows me, I'm just about as REAL as it comes. I am also one of the nicest, and most giving people you will ever meet. I am a little slow at getting to know people, I have slight trust issues, I've been burned many, MANY times, but it's mostly because I am a pretty quiet person...I'm a observer. Once I've gotten to know you AND trust you, you are considered family.I also enjoy working in my flower gardens, being Assistant Den Leader in my middle son's Cub Scout Troop, reading, taking care of my 10 gallon and 70 gallon fish tanks, and hanging out with my family and friends.Free Myspace Graphics My children are my everything!!! I would totally curl up and die if I were to loose either of them. Of all the things in my life that have been a constant, my children keep me grounded and brighten my day, every day!!
Growing Baby by

Pregnancy Week by Week

Victor James Montgomery

My Interests

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Click Here to put this symbol in your profile!I am also the Owner/Office Manager of our own Pool & Hot Tub/Home Inspection business: AOK Pool & Spa Services, LLC since August 1, 2007. So far business is going well, and continuing to grow. We are very excited!! Check out our web page:

I'd like to meet:

Jesus Christ, Alanis Morisette, David Bowie, Jim Henson, Sting, Madonna, Johnny Depp, Elton John, Stevie Wonder, Lionel Richie, Janet Jackson, Olivia Newton-John, John Travolta, Prince, Pat Benetar, Mary J. Bleige, Snoop Dogg, Paula Abdul, Tim Robbins, Robin Williams, The Brothers Gibb, Tom Hanks and Morgan Freeman.


I truely love all music. I have quite an eclectic collection. But you'll usally catch me listening to the Top 40, Classic Rock, Jazz & Oldies.
David Bowie Alanis Morisette Bee Gee's 1


Anything with Morgan Freeman, John Travolta, Tom Hanks, Olivia Newton-John, Johnny Depp, Christopher Reeves, Labyrinth, Star Wars, Star Trek, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (with Gene Wilder), Pretty Woman, When Harry met Sally, Shawshank Redemption, Rent, The Breakfast Club, Dogma, When Harry met Sally, Dirty Dancing, E.T., Good Will Hunting, West side Story, Beetle Juice, Ray, Boyz N the Hood, Robin Hood (with Kevin Costner), Top Gun, Speed, The Abyss, and several more I'll add..once I think of them.


I don't really watch a lot of television, but when I do take the time these are a few of my favorites: American Idol, Smallville, Supernatural, The 70's show, Without a Trace, CSI, Scrubs, History Channel, Animal Planet, Travel Channel, Vh1, Deal or No Deal and believe it or not, I actually enjoy watching Nickelodeon, Noggin and sometimes the Disney Channel with my children :D



I am currently reading "Free Refill - coming back for more of Jesus", but these are a few of my favorites I've read: The Bible, The Autobiography of Ralph Miller, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Chicken Soup for the Singles Soul, The Diary of Anne Frank, How to Eat Fried Worms, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Death of a Salesman, The Outsiders, Anger is a Choice, The Hobbit and The Chronicles of Narnia (all 7 books).


Jesus, the selfless,
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Myspace Layouts'To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did' When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better. Concentrate on this sentence..... 'The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.' Happiness keeps You Sweet, Trials keep You Strong, Sorrows keep You Human, Failures keeps You Humble, Success keeps You Glowing, But Only God keeps You Going
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My "Knight in Shining Armor" Jesse; who works so hard to provide for all of us. ..
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My Blog

Happy Fall

I'm quite sure most of you have seen this one, but it is one that I will always treasure. I hope the one's of you who haven't seen it will enjoy it as much as I do. Being a Christian is like being a ...
Posted by Allie on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 09:39:00 PST

Update on Wolfgang

Just a quick update for all of you that have been keeping up on Wolfgang. As you know, Wolfgang had kidney surgery October 11th 2007, to correct an ongoing sickness he had battled for two years. He ha...
Posted by Allie on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 10:27:00 PST

Register to vote! ...
Posted by Allie on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 04:41:00 PST

Good news out this way!!

I have some good news out this way for you!! I had another sonogram yesterday. The technician checked every part of Victor's body that would indicate Downs, and he's not showing any signs at all! YIPE...
Posted by Allie on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 06:53:00 PST

A note of positivity...TY Marie

Hello, I just wanted to share the story that my friend Marie sent me this week. It totally reinforces all the beautiful things in the world Hi Allie,I just wanted to share with you something enc...
Posted by Allie on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 01:57:00 PST

God's Ordinary Miracle - A Down Syndrome Journey After looking up much on Downs Syndrome, I found this and wanted to share it. WARNING, grab a tissue, it's a tear jerker....
Posted by Allie on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 07:49:00 PST

Baby Victor

Okay, so this is the deal, after meeting up with the Geneticist for genetic counseling yesterday, we've decided NOT to do the Amniocentisis. The doctor was great, he was very knowledgable and kind. He...
Posted by Allie on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 07:41:00 PST

Update on our new little man

The doctors appointment yesterday was bitter sweet. On the upside, we found out that we are expecting our little Victor James. And he is expected to arrive approximately on February 12th. I've posted&...
Posted by Allie on Sat, 30 Aug 2008 11:59:00 PST

The loss of an old friend...From Northeast High School

Billy Weaver Billy Weaver, age 34, died on Sunday, July 27, 2008. He was born July 14, 1974, in Kansas City, Mo., the son of Reva and Gary Stuart. He was united marriage to Denise Campbell on Septembe...
Posted by Allie on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 12:39:00 PST

We all need a tree...TY Harmony!!

We all Need a Tree!.. .. I hired a plumber to help me restore an old farmhouse, and after he hadjust finished a rough first day on the job: a flat tire made him lose anhour of work, his electric drill...
Posted by Allie on Thu, 22 May 2008 10:18:00 PST