..Dad, Mom, Helder, Joe, my friends, my dog, traveling, music, dancing, cheese, Midori Sours, orange juice, Berkeley, Hot Cheetoes, kissing, big ol' hugs, laughing, joking, sarcasm, movies, T.V, MySpace, good food, old stuff, pictures, blood, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, shoes, sunglasses, men, kids, history, Portuguese, the gym.
I'm really, really, REALLY tired of meeting guys who just want to get into my pants. If those are your intentions, please go away! Otherwise, I love meeting new people!
I love it all! My iPod is filled with everything, and I mean everything, from A-ha to 98 Degrees. The following local bands are of "must see" quality: Mezcal & The Rudy Parris Band. If you haven't been to their performances, please do. If you have, watch them again!