DOES YOUR BUSINESS NEED?To INJECT more Creativity & Quality into your Graphic Design Program? To CREATE a New & Polished Image for your Company? To PRODUCE Effective Marketing Tools that will GRAB your Target Audience and SELL your Product or Service? To ATTRACT more customers, CUT COSTS & INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY?You Need ArtMan Graphics!THE ARTMAN CAN... DO IT ALL The ArtMan is proficient in all aspects & disciplines of the Graphic Arts from art direction through production. Creativity, imagination, know-how, talent & experience are the key elements in producing successful graphic design solutions on schedule.THE ARTMAN CAN... PRODUCE ArtMan Graphics can produce any type of custom graphic design project you may need. Logo's, Corporate I.D. Programs, Web Sites, Original Art & Illustrations, Catalogs, Newsletters, Custom Tee Shirts, Posters, Cartoons, Advertising Design, Web Site Design & Optimization & much more.THE ARTMAN CAN... DRAW & ILLUSTRATE The ArtMan is a REAL ARTIST that can Draw, Illustrate & Paint in all of the artistic mediums. Black & White to Full Color, Traditional or Digital. Line Drawings, Architectural Renderings, Cartoons, Product Illustration, Story Boards, Book Jackets, Murals, Illustrated Maps & more.THE ARTMAN CAN... HANDLE THE JOB ArtMan Graphics can handle the requirements of several different job contractors at one time. No need to hire a separate Art Director, Copywriter, Photographer, Web Designer, Illustrator, Graphic Designer and Layout Artist. ArtMan Graphics is THE complete graphics studio in one, offering one source with many choices saving you the client, time, money & headaches.THE ARTMAN CAN... SAVE YOUR DAY Did some other contractor leave you 'high & dry' in the middle of a project? Do you have a web site that doesn't rank in the top 10? ArtMan Graphics can save the day and finish the job for you.THE ARTMAN CAN... WORK FOR YOU In-house or out-source depending upon your needs. ArtMan Graphics can work in 'Traditional' or 'Digital' methods. Computer programs supported are; Corel Draw, Photo Paint, Photo Shop, Page Maker, Illustrator, Microsoft Word, Publisher & Front Page 2000.THE ARTMAN CAN... SAVE YOU MONEY ArtMan Graphics offers very competitive hourly rates, much lower than most commercial design studios & advertising agencies. The ArtMan is an Independent Service Provider that can be hired by the hour, by the day or by the week on a discounted contract rate plan. Estimates are always free.Website & Online Portfolio: