Courtney Kaye profile picture

Courtney Kaye

YOU'RE OK!!!!!!!

About Me

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My Interests

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--i love photography, OU FOOTBALL, thunderstorms and rainy days, shopping, movies, going out w/ my friends, drinking BEER, going to concerts, sleeping, and going to the lake. i would do anything for my family and i really enjoy just hanging out w/ them. AND I LOVE MY BAILEY GIRL!!!!!!--
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I'd like to meet:

Jennifer Aniston (my girl crush), Ellen Degeneres, Aaron Lewis, Chris Daughtry, Denzel Washington, Adrian Peterson, Oprah and My Future Husband (got to better than the last one)--"My" Kiddo's
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Almost everything!!!! My ipods got everything from Staind, Hinder, Aerosmith, Stone Sour, YellowCard, Breaking Benjamin, Korn, Linkin Park, Chris Daughtry, Bon Jovi, and Creed to Josh Groban, John Legend, Tim McGraw, Cher and Coldplay--


Wedding Crashers, all the Harry Potter's, Remember The Titans, Failure to Launch, Ferris Buller's Day Off, Rocky, Titanic, Gone With the Wind, Seven, Finding Nemo, Goonies.... way too many to name them all.


Every episode of Friends ever made!!!!!!! Ellen, Gray's Anatomy, Lost, The Nine, Boston Legal, Desperate Housewives and Brother's and Sister's. This is the first time in a long time that I have had control of the remote so I am loving it. NO MORE MUSIC VIDEOS!!!


I've read all the Harry Potter books.....twice. And I just finished The Shining. now i 'm about to start Gone With The Wind


My mother and my mama Carol, they are both very strong women. In them I see that there isn't anything that I can't survive.--

My Blog

Let's clear a few things up:

First of all, you DO NOT have everything I want, you have everything I HAD! Apparently you saw what I had and wanted it for yourself. Congratulations, now it's yours. Second, a few days ago...
Posted by Courtney on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 10:17:00 PST

Just Let Me Vent.......

I have always considered myself a good person.  I am a loyal friend, a loving daughter and a crazy sister.  But the past year of my life has changed a lot of who I am. And it's all beca...
Posted by Courtney on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 09:36:00 PST


She's not bleach blonde, but she is a TRAMP!  (home wreckin' whore to be exact) She's not shootin' whiskey at all cuz she's knocked up (but she may be smokin'? &.) Well........he is good at pool...
Posted by Courtney on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 11:58:00 PST


TAG Each player of this game starts with the "6 weird things/habits about you".  People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly...
Posted by Courtney on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 11:04:00 PST