Member Since: 5/10/2006
Band Members:
Profile Generator
Mark Ganetakos-Guitar
Chris Bottomley - Bass
Git God, Tech Lord, bestest friend, George Guerra, - Guitar/ Production
Brian Swindle - guitar
Mike Severin/Sev Micron - Keyboards, Drums, Percussion, Bass, Git, Vox..s, and who ever is around when things get rolling.
Influences: Syd Barret, Sid Vicious, Daniel Lanois, My Mom, Brian Eno, King Crimson, Eric Satie, Glen Gould , Vince Gueraldi, Rchard Butler, Iggy, Bowie ,Yes, 999, Nick Drake, Johnny Cash, Joni Mitchell, Gordon Lightfoot, Material, Miles, Jaco, the 2 Bobs, Jimi, Michael Brook, Robert Fripp, David Byrne, Xtc, Robyn Hitchcock, Golden Palominos, Beatles, Ricki lee Jones, Willie Nelson, Elvis Costello, Bruce Mann, , ELP, Gang of 4, Pil, the Fall, David Sylvain, Beasties, Sex Pistols, Crass, my environment, and oh so much more, too much to mention...
Sounds Like: music to me
Record Label: no... why do you got one?
Type of Label: Indie