Music/singing, art of various sorts, geek-ish things: The Tick, gaming, (when I can!), anime etc., and, of course, my family and friends.
Non-hermit-ish friends, (since I prefer to host rather than be hosted). Open minded geeks with a silly sense of humor but a good sense of ethics... I have found a few in my life long search, hoping to find more!
From Sarah McLachlan to Tori Amos, NIN to Weezer, the Cure to the Cranberries and, almost, everything in between... though I am behind on the times due to not being able to pick up ANY good radio stations here. :{
Umm, hmm, I like movies. LOL Can't name too many off the top of my head. We have been renting things like Smallville seasons and Chrnos Crusade, just started Full Metal Alchemist etc.. We liked Eulogy and I also like Home for the Holidays... it's a scary fit to my family, (minus the psycho Mom. LOL My Mom and Dad are great).
see above. ;)
I prefer "light reading" over the heavy stuff. We have been reading the Artemis Fowl series, the Spiderwick Chronicles and have been getting back into one or two comics/graphic novels: the Green Lantern series, Teen Titans and Drizzt. My husband has now gotten *me* hooked on R.A. Salvatore's work!
My parents and my first pastor who, although I am not Christian and haven't been for many moons, still was the essence of patience and understanding to me... he had something which I strive for, and probably always will. I will keep striving for it, even if I never achieve it. If there *are* saints, he should be among them!