Basketball, Sports in general, DRUMS!!!!!, hanging out with friends, seeing if i can touh Greyson without him hitting me, and going to concerts. Oh and DRUMS!!!!!
Kamelot - The Haunting
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311, Coheed and Cambria, The Academy is, Fall out boy, From First to Last, Hawthorne Hights, The Used, The Killers, old New Found Glory, Yellowcard, lil john because he's funny, Outcast the old stuff, Modest Mouse,
I LOVE MOVIES!!!!! There are a lot of movies that I like. I really liked Batman Begins, Charlie and the Chocolate factor, all of Quentin Terantino’s movies. Gladiator, Troy, Spiderman 1 and 2, Old School, Girl Next Door, Super Troopers, Fight Club is one of my favorites, The Incredibles, Last Samurai, Underworld, House of Flying Daggers, and Southpark.
Of course Southpark, Seinfeld, Family guy, futurama, Chepelle Show, Simpsons, The Office, Conan O'brian.
Angels and Demons and the Divinci Code, Harry potter, and Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy