I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends
About Me
Layout Created at KillerKiwi.net I graduated in 2000, wanted to be a body piercer...right now I am currently working at a liquor store, oh I've accomplished so much. And I can't wait to get out of this fucking town.
.. You scored as Satanism. Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Satanism! Before you scream, do a bit of research on it. To be a Satanist, you don't actually have to believe in Satan. Satanism generally focuses upon the spiritual advancement of the self, rather than upon submission to a deity or a set of moral codes. Do some research if you immediately think of the satanic cult stereotype. Your beliefs may also resemble those of earth-based religions such as paganism
You scored as Sex God. You are a master at sex. You make your partner weak in the knees, and you know it. You've had the practice, and you've read the books, but don't get too cocky (pun intended) or you'll get put into place.
How are you in bed created with QuizFarm.comme on salvia
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