Watching movies & T.V., music, having drinks, buying things, working.
Collin Stroud back during his 2000-2003 reign.
You name it I got it. The collections is up to 600. Recent purchases include the new Chamillionaire album and Gym Glass Heroes. Also make sure you check out the Kings of Leon, Lucero, and Fair to Midland myspace pages.
Once again you name it I got it. My collection of DVD's is up and over 500. I love it all. Latest ones bought includes Death Proof, Knocked Up, etc.
Sopranos, Deadwood, Entourage, Nip/Tuck, Heroes, Two and a Half Men, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Fox Soccer Channel, Lost, and it goes on.
Anything by Chuck Palahniuk.
J L Stroud!!! I love you Poppa!