Profile GeneratorI do not bite...
...and I am full of surprises...
I'm thoughtful and dependable. I like children and dogs. I treat people decently. I am always willing to listen, learn, or lend a hand. I have difficulty with the concept of 'TIME'.
Show disrespect to me, or those I love, and I'll pay
it back with interest.
I read Voltaire and watch Spongebob. I return emails when I get them. I do not hide. I despise the telephone. I'm normal in every sense of the word...whatever that means. I laugh easily, and mean it. I prefer writing letters.
I would give my life for those I love.
I hold doors open, and always say, 'Please' and 'Thank You'. I ride my Warpig hard, and I write poetry. I am 'Duality' - the Poet/Warrior. I like Hawaiian Shirts.
I don't BS and I expect the same in return.
I'm a Guitarist/Singer/Songwriter. I work hard without complaint. I ingest literature like it's going out of style. I'm honest, sincere, and ethical.
And I don't believe you should EVER judge a book
by its' cover.