He's All Jacked Up on Mountain Dew!!!!!! profile picture

He's All Jacked Up on Mountain Dew!!!!!!

I am here for Friends and Networking

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DESPERADO DESPERADO DESPERADO DESPERADO DESPERADO DESPERADO DESPERADO DESPERADO DESPERADO Click here to make Falling Objects DESPERADO DESPERADO DESPERADO DESPERADO DESPERADO DESPERADO DESPERADO DESPERADO DESPERADO DESPERADO DESPERADO DESPERADO DESPERADO DESPERADO DESPERADO I just like to Have Fun. Life is way too short to be Stressed. Don't get me wrong, I handle my business and Try to get this CAKE. If you love me then love me, If you hate me that's cool too, Just Remember you might be working for me one day and you might need that Christmas Bonus. BBBYYYAAAAA!!!!!
Inside Your Mind. 184 unique Q's.
Inside Your Mind.
What do you like about yourself?: My Spontaneous Spirit and Boyish Good Looks
What do you dislike about yourself?: I like it all
Do you have any special talents?: I can open Beer Bottles with my teeth
What are some of your hobbies?: Sleeping, Eating, 4Play, Drinking, Facebook
Do you accept your anger?: Sometimes- I dont get angry often
Do you accept your sadness?: I used to, Now I'm like Two Tears in a Bucket Fuck It
Do you accept your worry?: These questions are Kinda Gay, I guess I'll finish This
Do you accept your confusion?: I'm confused now
Do you accept your anxiety?: I over-come it with Cockyness and Arrogance
Do you accept your fear?: If the shit is Scary
What is difficult for you?: Admitting that I'm wrong and Calculus
About You.
Favorite color?: BLUE AND WHITE :-)
Favorite song?: OutKast- Smottie Ottie Doppa-Licious Angel
Favorite band?: OutKast
Favorite movie?: V for Vendetta
Favorite teacher (past or present)?: Miss Puckett(12th grade Marketting) Dr. Scales( Mkkt 3050)
Favorite book?: The Rose that Grew From Concrete
Favorite thing to do?: Sleep
Second favorite thing to do?: Sex
Favorite website?: www.FaceBook.com
Do you like your looks?: Love em, I'm kinda Sexy
Do you like your body?: Jacobson is that nigga!!!(inside stuff)
Describe yourself.
Length of hair?: Faded
Color of hair?: Black
Color of eyes?: Light Brown
Height?: 6'2
Are you athletic?: Sure
Are you healthy?: Sometimes
What emotion do you hide?: Concern
Do you think you’re smart?: Hells Yea
Are you religious?: A little
What is your religion?: Non Denominational Christian
Do you believe in “God”?: Definately
What do you want to “be” when you “grow up”?: Alive, Happy, and Filthy Fuckin Rich
Do you get along well with people?: Yep
Are you fun?: Sometimes
What makes a “good person” just that?: Honesty
How would others describe you?: Non Chalant and sometimes Crazy
How would you describe a “true friend”?: Ride or Die for you and keep it real
Who is your best friend?: My Mom
How did you meet?: I used to live in her body and we ate the same foods
Ever meet anyone who was just like you?: Nope
How do your friends help you to be more yourself?: Understand that MJ can only be MJ
Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?: sometimes
If so, describe him or her.: Female
What qualities do you look for in a significant other?: Fun loving, Intelligent, Sexy
Ever crush on someone who only liked you as a friend?: Yep
Ever have someone crush on you and you only liked them as a friend?: Alot
In a relationship…
What makes you jealous?: Cheating
What makes you angry?: Cheating
What makes you happy?: Sex, Laughing, Eating, 4play
What hurts your feelings?: When I am ignored or put on hold
What makes you love them more?: When we're enjoying one another
What have you learned about love?: Love is Tricky
Describe your first relationship.: I'll show you mine if you show me yours
What benefits come from being single?: Variety
What benefits come from being with someone?: Security
What siblings do you have?: 2 Sisters and about 43 Brothers
Are you a first, last, middle or only child?: Middle
If you could change this, how would it be different?: I'm good
Do you get along with your siblings?: When it matters
What do you like best about your brother(s)?: They're business minded and like to kick it, Distiguished Leaders
What do you like best about your sister(s)?: I just love them Cats, They're cool I guess
What do you like best about being an only child?:
Have you ever been embarrassed by family?: Continuously
Do/did your parent(s) try to make you think like them?: They don't Care
Tough shit.
What difficult experiences have you been through?: Losing Friends
Has anyone close to you died?: Fernando Irizzary( 1 Year today) and Ashton Gualden
How did you find out?: Fernando( after 5 days of searching his roommate called/ Ashton( sitting in the Hospital when his Mom called)
Did you get to say good-bye?: Man this is a sad survey
Have you known anyone your age die?:
Have you ever been really sick?:
Has anyone close to you ever been really sick?:
Do you have a drug problem?:
Do you have a drinking problem?: yes
Are your parents divorced?:
Are/were your parents fighting constantly?:
Do you let yourself feel emotional pain or make it go away?:
Do you believe pain makes us grow?: No- Pain is UNNECESSARY
How do you feel when you see a homeless person?:
Have you ever witnessed extreme suffering?:
Do you ever wonder why there is so much suffering?:
What kinds of things cause you pain?:
What is the biggest mistake you’ve ever made?: Meeting Spunky!!!!(LOL Just Kidding)
Have you ever thought about suicide?: Hell No- I'm Black!!!!!
What advice would you give to someone who is suicidal?: Mane suck that shit up and quit being a quitter
Learning lessons.
Do you think people learn from their mistakes?: Some people
Do you think people can learn the “easy way”?: Sometimes
Have you ever learned the “easy way”?: No, I'm Hard Headed
Have you ever learned the “hard way”?: Thats the only way to learn
What is the most difficult lesson you’ve learned?: Everyone has a Price
Do you believe things happen for a reason?: Yes
Have you learned that nobody is perfect?: Yes Yes Yes
What imperfections about yourself do you accept?: Very Critical
Do you try to look at both sides of a situation?: Always- My side and My side
Follow your dreams.
“Follow your bliss.”:
What does this quote mean to you?: Do what makes you happy
What is your bliss?: Enjoying Life and making people Smile and Laugh
Do you have a dream?: Yea, I woke up in class Naked like "Damn... Not Again"
What is your number-one goal?: To be Sucessful
“Do what you love and the money will follow." True?: True
If your dream was guaranteed to happen, what would it be?: Be Happy
Would you answer differently if the guarantee wasn’t there?: Nope
Do you believe in yourself?: We all we Got!!!!!!
Growing up.
How old are you?: 22
How old do you feel?: 21
What do you think is the perfect age?: 21
How old do you think people should be before they…
Get a job:: 18
Cook for themselves:: 18
Set their own bedtimes:: 10
Go away with their friends:: 18
Do their own laundry:: 100
Have a boyfriend or girlfriend:: 18
Date:: 18
Kiss:: 18
Stay out past midnight:: 18
Stay out as late as they want:: 18
Have their own phone:: 16
Drive:: 18 and stop at 50
Travel alone:: whenever they're ready
Drink:: 18
Go to clubs:: 18
Get married:: 26
Have children:: 26
Vote:: 18
Go out by themselves:: 18
At what age do you think a person is mature?: 21 depends on person
Do you think maturity is a good thing?: necessity
Do you think all adults are mature?: no
Do you think a difficult life makes a person grow up faster?: no- influences do
What IS “grown up”?: Responsibility
Are/were you scared or excited about growing up?: Excited
Do you think of yourself as grown up?: Yes
Do you want to be considered grown up?: No
What do you think is the secret to happiness?: Being MJ
What kind of toothpaste do you use?: Aquafresh
Do you always brush your teeth before visiting a dentist?: No
How many cavities do/did you have?: 0
Ever wear braces or a retainer?: No
How often do you shower?: 1 a day unless activity calls for more
Do you prefer any shampoo brand?: nope
What is the weirdest band name you know of?: Tussy Deodorant
What are your favorite dog breeds?: Pits
Who was your childhood best friend?: Sherrick Wilkes
Are you still friends with them today?: I guess
How many computers are in your home?: 4
Do you write with your left or right hand?: right
Do you take any vitamins?: Flintstones
How many doors are in your home?: 1
How many windows are there?: 4
Do you have a collection of change somewhere?: In the Avalon
Would you go to jail for a good cause?: Yea
Do you own a bookshelf?: Nope
Are there any objects hanging from your room ceiling?: Ceiling Fan
Are you okay with getting your blood drawn?: Yes
How about getting shots?: Yes
Do you like getting your picture taken?: I Love it
Abortion?: Pro Choice
Birth control pill?: yes
Casual sex?: Depends on your definition of Casual
Illegal immigration?: Please speak English
Death sentence?: No
Afterlife?: Heaven or Hell only 2 choices
Ghosts?: No
Legalizing marijuana?: Yes- For the Safety of our CHildren (i.e. Prohibition)
Gun control?: Control them Choppaz
Pornography?: Pro-Porn
UFO conspiracy?: Nope- White people is crazy
Natural VS. Artificial medicine?: A little bit of both
War in Middle East?: Peace in The Middle East
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