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Aunt Lyndsey


About Me


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I Heart My Wiener

I'd like to meet:

Dane Cook


Music takes us out of the actual and whispers to us dim secrets that startle our wonder as to who we are, and for what, whence, and whereto.


Life is a B Movie: it's stupid and it's strange, it's a directionless story, the dialogue is lame, but in the 'he said she said' sometimes there's some poetry, if you turn your back long enough and let it happen naturally.
~Ani Difranco


We love television because television brings us a world in which television does not exist.


A literary critic is a person who finds meaning in literature that the author didn't know was there.


A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer.

My Blog


it's weird how sometimes you can try sooo hard and yet things just wont work out, and then other times if you just sit back and let things happen... perfection occursi need to learn to let go...
Posted by Aunt Lyndsey on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 08:40:00 PST

hang on

So many things in my life have been left with their frayed edges dangling.  I have a hard time finalizing anything, especially if it means not looking back.  Somehow I can't move forward wit...
Posted by Aunt Lyndsey on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 08:44:00 PST


my eyes are closed...     lead me THERE.
Posted by Aunt Lyndsey on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 06:09:00 PST

a few things that crossed my mind today...

I wonder who my friends would be and what kind of person I would be if I'd been born in another place or at a different time.I hope I'm a good friend.It's weird how it feels so natural talking to and ...
Posted by Aunt Lyndsey on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

all aboard

my best friends were in town this weekend (I wish we lived closer) I have three people in my life that can make me forget the real world and her problems (thank you)  frequent 2am rendezvous&nb...
Posted by Aunt Lyndsey on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

do you have a little time?

  If you stare at someone long enough, you discover their humanity.
Posted by Aunt Lyndsey on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

What are you thinking?

Posted by Aunt Lyndsey on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The storm kept me up all night, and I loved every second of it.

I wonder where this is going... I haven't had a real hug in a long time. everything is about to change. I clean when I'm upset. I don't even know what my favorite color is anymore. Tues...
Posted by Aunt Lyndsey on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Goodbye to the dreads

After over a year and a half of having dreadlocks I think it's time to call it quits. Though I would love to keep them and let them grow long and beautiful, I really miss having hair. I miss was...
Posted by Aunt Lyndsey on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Too much fun on Friday night. That's all I have to say about that.
Posted by Aunt Lyndsey on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST