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Jim Bob

About Me

MY favorite place to be is in the forest, any kind will do. I love people. lived all over the place, Colorado, new Mexico Arizona, new jersey, Indiana, and now da big island, i love n miss all my people on the island. im starting a tea garden, like the tea you drink( tea is great)i hope to be selling it in a few years. i suposse thast good for nowTheres the Religion question in i think it is background & life style, and they didnt have my response so here it is....... Religion is stupid, and was created by man to controll people. I dont think God ever intened on "Religion" Jesus came to rid us of rules and regulations, its very simple, do what every you like, but do it for the glory of God. if it does not give him glory, then dont do it, love your fellow man more then you would have them love you.......The other question i dont like is the Ethnicty question.......why always the race thing? I thought there was only one, the human race.

My Interests

people, bouldering, camping, hunting pig, anything out side

I'd like to meet:

everyone, if your human, or not, then i want to meet you


if can, can. if no can, then No


i like'm all sometimes even if they suck


I Try not to watch the mind control box......key word being try.


The Bible is pretty good, written by God or something


The divinity in us all