Good Day, my name is Alasdair Morgan and i live in a little town near the edge of South Africa. Its really beautiful.I am lucky enough to be famous by association as my brother is a famous world renouned trance DJ.About me:
I like to write. most of my writing get deleted or thrown in the bin coz i dont like them once im finished. However, you will notice i blog, this is about as close as i come to public writing. i also own a blog called which is basically a repost of some of the stuff i have here.I am Christian. By that i mean i believed i am saved by God and have been born again. However i do not see myself as a happy clapper, and i still mess up like everyone else in the world does. However i know that Jesus Christ has paid for my sins by His death on the cross. YAY!I am at constant battle with my brother over whether its my myspace or just myspace. maybe someone can please clarifyIm not a sport star and dont have the best build (however i am working on it since i have been visiting the gym.) Im an average guy who works in the IT field as a programmer which rocks. I love my job and the people i work with!Enjoy your perusal of my myspace.
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