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I am here for Friends

About Me

iM snOb aNd i likE it tHat way.. iM vEry tRaNsPareNt. i aM vocaL. i aM coNsidEraTe. i LovE tO heLp otHer peOpLe. i aM a dRaMaqUeEn. i aM a sUpErGirL. wHat yOu dO To mE is wHat i dO tO yoU. OTHER PEOPLE DONT KNOW THAT I HAVE A GOOD HEART. i LovE GoiNg to tHe bEaCh bUt i haTe gettiNg tan. wEird. i LovE nErds. i hatE pLasTiCs aNd trYiNg hard peOpLe. i sMell Like MOONFLOWER by tHe body sHop. i driNk oCcasiOnally, i doNt do drUgs aNd i triEd sMokiNg. i LovE to kiss, hug, bite aNd aNnOy mah friEnds.. =p. i LovE paMperiNg myseLf. i LovE coNversaTioNs tHat woNt qUit, aNd with tHe pOwEr to makE Me fall inlOve with hiM...i Love full mOoNs... i Love MoOnliGht... i LovE sTars... i LovE mOrNinGs.. i LovE sUnShiNe... i look fine.. =p

My Interests

sOuNd tRiPpiN', mOviEs, (i LoOvE tO rEad: kiDs, tRuSt me iTs tHe bEst wAy tO rEaLLy gEt tHe mOst oUt oF LifE, tHe cULtuRe aNd tHe gReat uNkNowN), gOinG oUt [gImMickeRa!!-- aLthOugH, mah sOciaL liFe haS bEeN On hOld foR awHiLe] fOod tRiPpin' (wHeN iM nOt cOunTiNg tHe cALoriEs oF mah MonEy..heHe) cHillaxInG wiTh FriEndZz[tHeY hELp Me KeEp mah sAniTy], sTArbUcks cOfFe wiTh aN eXtRA sHot of eXpREsSo[YuMmY!!] tRaveLLing--gOin' nEw pLacEs[i wAnNa sEe tHe wOrLd!!] tHe bEaCh, s-H-O-P-p-I-n-G [oH yEs!!--tHe bEst iMmEdiaTe fIx tO aNy pRobLeMo], tHe cOLor pInk..pInk..aNd piNk!!!



My Blog


> bY: keahiwai I wanna tell you baby That you're the one that Im thinking of But your heart is still with her And I think she's the one that you love I only want you happy Even if it's not wit...
Posted by img src=""> on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST