LiNDENBORO SENiORS 'o6 ♥ hMm.. ♥ cHeErLeAdInG ♥ sOfTbAlL ♥ sHoPpInG ♥ cHiLlIn w. fRiEnDs ♥ hAvIn fUn ♥nD pArTyIn!!test
♥ gOtTi bOyS
♥ JeSsIcA sImPsOn
♥ FrEDdIe PrInCe Jr.
♥ yOu xOx*Take the quiz: "Which Laguna Beach Character are You?"
You are LC, very fashionable, rich, and GORGEOUS. You are bitchy but in a silent way. Who cares though with looks like that!?
♥ tHe NoTeBoOk
♥ hOsTaGe
♥ aRmEgEdAn
♥ hOnEy
♥ bRiNg It On (all of them)
♥ mEaN gIrLs
♥ MaId In MaNhAtTeN
♥ eNoUgH
♥ LePrEcHaUn
♥ UhM ; iDk wHaT eLsE
♥ I LoVe sCaRy mOvIeS
♥ pRiSoN bReAk
♥ tHe HiLlS!
♥ LaGuNa BeAcH
♥ eR
♥ DeSpErAtE hOuSe wIvEs
hearts; fAmIlY gUy
♥ i watch pretty much anything interesting.. lol
uHh.. couldnt tell ya.. haha
my MOM && of course my FRIENDS!! ♥