Watching football (GO BUCKS), working, painting, working out, Partyin with my fav girls/roomates!
Love all kinds of Music, new and old!
**Nip Tuck**
The Bible
1st and most importantly *Jesus*...enough said 2nd-my support and my heart. 3rd-All of the men and woman who have sacrificed themselves to make this world a better place....and it still needs so much work..I hope that someday I will have enough money to do my share in helping..becuase God knows I am a wuss and would not have the balls to go through the physical sacrifice that millions of others do.and last but certaintly not least......... MY and old (and Matt....the love of my life)...I dont care if I have known you for 18years or 2 all hold a place in my heart and id be nothing with out you!!, I love you guys!! Ya'll know who you are.....