Enough about us for once some needs to tell the usa government that The Orphan Bill must Die or Photography will be dead.... PLEASE READ APA’s Position on the Orphan Works Act of 2008 From the onset, APA has been actively engaged in the effort to help solve the orphan works dilemma. We made public our support for the crafting of an amendment that would permit use of verified, i.e. true, orphaned works for certain uses, by way of procedures that are clearly defined in the statute or regulations, while retaining remedies for use by copyright owners in the event of abuse.APA, in seeking to represent the best interests of its members, takes the position that the legislation offered in both bills -- S.2913 and H.R.5889 -- does not achieve the goal as we believe was originally intended, and instead provides a distinct road map for the infringement of contemporary works by living artists worldwide. If left unchanged, this legislation has the potential to destroy the businesses and livelihoods of thousands of photographers, other visual artists, as well as the collateral small businesses that serve the industry, and are dependent on, creators.Therefore, APA is asking its members and all concerned individuals to take action by writing your members of Congress to voice your concerns. PLEASE go to this resource page on Orphan Works for sample letters (scroll down for the photographers’ letters) and the ability to automatically contact your specific members of Congress. Great thanks to the Illustrators’ Partnership for making this site available.The full text of APA POSITION ON ORPHAN WORKS 2008April 24, 2008 - Orphan Works Bills were introduced today in both the House and Senate. APA is working on a position that will be in the best interests of APA's membership. May 7, 2008 - House Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet and Intellectual Property mark up of HR5889. May 15, 2008 - Senate Juduciary Committee mark up of S2913.HOUSE VERSION Orphan Works Bill-2008SENATE VERSION Orphan Works Bill-2008APA POSITION PAPER ON ORPHAN WORKS 2006 "The Orphan Works Dilemma: Challenges Recommendations" (previously submitted to Congress 2006)