Member Since: 10/05/2006
Band Website: for the time being your lookin at it
Band Members: Ableton Live 6, Sherman Filterbank II, Kaoss Pad 3, Evans Echopet, Korg Micro kontrol, microKorg, EA-1, ER-1 (electribes), roland SH-201 Novation Zero Sl, xenyx mixer, yamaha bass, trace elliot amp, squire telecaster, Shure SM 86, joe meek pre amp/compressor, Quadraverb, Technics 1210,s and numark kaoss pad mixer Yamaha DD-11 drum pads
Influences: i'm influenced by many things, here are just a few of them.philip k dick, aphex twin, criss cunningham, boards of canada, michel j rocks, loz koleszko, prefuse 73, amon tobin, bong ra, empty fields with hedges and trees, the bleakness of large expances of water, new and old music hardware, field recordings of people talking, those moments when your so wasted that nothing makes sense leaving an almost meditative calmness, being alive,
this is not a complete or exaustive list
Sounds Like: lullabys,
to keep out the cold night air as sung by post apocaliptic war robots,
Record Label: i wish !!!