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About Me

I'm just Deebies.

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My Interests

Sports are fun, Nebraska baseball is rather amazing, le tour, trying to be a better person, inching closer to being the person God wants me to be, politics, reading, history, riding my bike, running when I'm feeling saucy and my left knee doesn't hurt, good movies, writing, CWS, old ballparks,... blah blah blah.

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Donald Miller's writings have done a lot for me over the past few years. There are a few things I disagree with him about, but every piece of work I've read from him has helped me in my walk with the Lord in some way or another.
I find myself going back and reading chapters of The Enemy Within from time to time and they are always relevant. Michael Savage is crazy at times, but an honest Genius.
Reading about guys like Jackie, U2, Hank Aaron and Lance just blows me away.

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-Shane Komine: Some of the best days of my life were days when I saw him pitch. He brought me a lot of joy. I don't know if that qualifies someone as a hero, but he gets a nod anyway.

-Jackie Robinson: An honest, passionate, and thoughtful man. He knew what he believed in and never let anyone else tell him different. When he was wrong, he admitted it. When he was right, he fought for it. I really wish he was around today.

-Hank Aaron: Amazing consistancy in the face of tremendous hate.

-My Mom: I wish I was even more like her than I already am.

My Blog

I’m watching Iowa all day today, but found time for ’07

2007 AWARDS1) DRINKING BUDDY OF THE YEARcould be my brother, Brian.  Not for getting wasted, but just for hangin out and havin a few.2) LIFETIME SERVICE AWARD (longest friend) -Elrond (since '93 ...
Posted by Deebies on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 09:58:00 PST

My top 10 Ballparks (I’ll keep ’em coming boom)

Just randomly thinking today about the ballparks I've been to. Haven't been to nearly enough, but i felt like ranking just the top ten I've been to. The ranking is based on the park itself as well as ...
Posted by Deebies on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 09:42:00 PST

typical Deebies

Every year (i guess its only been the last two years and it will probably for the rest of time though) I watch the movie United 93 on or around September 11th. Very typical thing to do. Whatever.The p...
Posted by Deebies on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 11:09:00 PST

leave my wings behind me...

Hello, Hello....(No prarie dogs here, but there is a funny dog video at the end so stick around. Or just scroll down. I guess scrolling down is the Internet's version of fast forwarding through the ...
Posted by Deebies on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 12:13:00 PST

I really know how to waste time.

I know many or most of you have seen this, but I just had to throw it on my profile. I really can't get enough of it. I'm basically twelve.Check out this video: Drama Chipmunk Add to My ...
Posted by Deebies on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 04:25:00 PST

I know your plans don't include me. Still here we are...

Hello, hello.So, things are starting to calm down a bit for DeeBies. Its very nice. We opened up our new store about a month ago which was a crap ton of work and I'm so glad its over. We were reall...
Posted by Deebies on Fri, 25 May 2007 11:39:00 PST

You're an accident waiting to happen...

So its fun when someone makes a mispasay page of some band who is very popular and, for a few days, you get to pick a song that itsn't something lame from their most recent album or something so thats...
Posted by Deebies on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 12:43:00 PST

Return of the Deebies car

Since I know you care so deeply about me and my lost car, it has returned. The cops called me yesterday and told me that they found it randomly in Omaha.  I went up there today with Nic (we had l...
Posted by Deebies on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 03:50:00 PST

Jackie Robinson (noting the obvious)

So we go through life and we see the people who seem to be "better" than the rest of us.  The people who seem to find that extra gear in every aspect of their lives.  The people who rise to ...
Posted by Deebies on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 10:30:00 PST

bring back my car

Hello. So, I'm back online and stuff. My computer died (sorry Kelli, the sony has passed away and has also been second degree stolen), so I bought a new one. It was crazy frustrating because I just...
Posted by Deebies on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 11:28:00 PST