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testing this iut, actally
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testing this iut, actally
Religion, History, Politics, Reading, Writing, Cooking, Baking, Simple Living.My WebSite/Blog
Friends, former clients, geeks, people I used to know... what the heck.
Third Day, Springsteen, Classic Rock, 70s Pop/Disco, Baroque, Chant (Byzantine, Gregorian and Ochibod). County, Ambient, many many folk musics from around the world - Arab, Israeli, Irish, Welsh, British. "World Music".
Classic B&W, The Women, Casablanca, WW2 films, Hitchcock, Disney, Anime. Film Noir.
70s Sitcoms: Mary Tyler Moore, M*A*S*H, All in the Family. 70s/80s Britcoms: Yes Minister, Yes Prime Minister, The Tomorrow People, To the Manner Born, Good Neighbours, History Channel Documentaries, Alias, X Files, Star Trek, STNG
Alexander Schmemann, Olivier Clement, Brian McLaren, Patristics, Theology, Liturgy, The Inklings, Mediaeval Lit, Cookbooks.
Alexander the Great. Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson Davis. Robert E. Lee. Cuchulainn.