What is Theatre Noir?
Imagine a Film Noir (ranging from Maltese Falcon, to Sin City and Bound)set on the grounds of an run down and twisted carnival. Think seduction, fire, sex, fashion, fire, music, burlesque, cabaret, style, gangsters, bondage, devious criminal, fedoras, sideshow acts, garters, freaks, juggling, loose morals and fast times -- you'll start to get an idea. Costumes of all sorts encouraged (but not required), from tongue in cheek to elegant and sleek.
Performances By:
Sparkly Devil -- Burlesque and Fan Dance
Causing a Scene Productions -- Cabaret
Hell’s Belles Girlie Review -- Burlesque
Fire Fabulon -- Fire Performance
Chaos -- Burlesque
Rabbit and Peachfuzz -- Shadow Striptease
Kajira and Evol -- Torture and Espionage
Sprockethole -- Burlesque
Revolva -- Hooping
Lisa and Zachariah -- A Poisonous Dance Number and Cage Dancing
Kajira -- Fire Contortion
1313 Lighting Effect with L-Sid -- Art and Light Show
And more, more, more !!!
DJ Seoul (Detroit)Bangtech12
Radiohiro (Chicago)Kollektivmusic Radiohiro.com
DJ Nate Manic (Chicago) Caliber-entertainment
Ronin Selecta (Ann Arbor)MichiganDnb Bassdrive.com
DJ Duke Shin (Chicago)Caliber Entertainment, Moonshine, New City Chicago