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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I AM VERY OPINIONATIVE, I have a right to my opinion; deal with it. I suck at spelling, I snort when I laugh, and I say aboot. I write songs/poems. I don't care what people think aboot me. I am a pervert, WHO CARES ? You are too. I do NOT do "fuck buddies" or anything like that. I am a bit odd, I know. I will fucking stand up for what I believe, for what I believe in, and for my friends until the very fucking second I die. I am NOWHERE near fake in ANY way. I am not gothic. I am not punk. I am not preppy. I am not a poseur. I'm my fucking self, so back the fuck off. I curse A LOT. I don't give a shit what you think, so don't try to insult me. It won't work. I talk shit aboot a lot of ignorant shit in this world. A lot of it is aboot how stupid and hypocritical people are. ANYWAYS. I find it hard to trust people; I have been lied to far too much. I have a mohawk and it kicks ass. It owns you, your mother, and your fucking grandmother. You fucking know it. I am fucking blunt as all hell, I do not really argue with people, but I do say my opinion, and if that makes me argue, then fine. And I do not talk shit on the net nor in real life, I only tell what's on my mind. If it is mean, then so be it. I don't try to be funny, I just say things that will entertain myself, if you don't (or do) find it funny... I don't fucking care. FUCK OFF IF YOU DO NOT LIKE ME.
Two Short Poems: I'm going to draw a picture
A picture with a twist
I'll draw it with a razorblade
I'll draw it on my wrist
And as I draw this picture
A fountain will appear
With this flowing fountain
All my problems disappear
Credit: I have no idea.
Now I lay me down to death
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
And when I die instead of wake
I pray the Lord my soul to take
Credit: Me, I guess ?

Likes: Brody Dalle, Christina Aguilera, and Nick 13. I have an obsession with the Catrina's Sylvia Ji paints. Tattoos. Piercings. Baking. Although I am not Christian, I like a lot of Christian music. Argyle socks. Blood. Music. Swing dancing. Drawings. Drawing. Cartoons. The Sailor Scouts. Animals. CATS ! Anything in the cat family, other than those hairless cats. VIOLINS ! Pianos. Narwhales. Unicorns. Fruits. Fish Tacos. Blow jobs, as well as giving them ;) Mo-Hawks. Tri-Hawks. Bi-Hawks. HAWKS.PERIOD. As long as they look nice. Lips, but not too big. Eyes, mainly green. Hair dye. Butterflies. Flowers. Food. The rainbow. Spikes. Long nails. Soda. Orange Juice. When people do NOT lie to me. Not so femme boys. Pokemon. Funny, or witty shirts. Eye shadow. Eyeliner. Cute boxers with pictures on them. Socks with awesome pictures on them. Plaid pants. Checkered pants. When guys shave their body. "Scary"/"odd" pictures. Odd guys. Pink. Gay porn. Movies. I don't know what else to say.
Dislikes: People who tell me I can't say what I want to. UGLY ASS PEOPLE THAT THINK THEIR SHIT DOESN'T STINK. People that ignore me. People that bite my head off the second I say one thing to them. "ANARCHY, ANARCHY, ANARCHY". I mean really, you say "ANARCHY !" but yet go to school or work ? People who like others for how they look and not their personality. HOMOPHOBES. RACISM. CHEATERS. LIARS. People that sleep around. Jeans. Hypocrites. LABELS. When people ask me "why u l00k lyk dat" or "why don't you dress normal". What the hell ? Am I supposed to tawk lyk diz n wurr muh pantz @ muh neez ? Conceited people. WHEN PEOPLE BITE THEIR NAILS >=(. Tongues. I REALLY HATE when people IM me and ask me who I am OR don't tell me where they fucking got my screen name at, if you do that, I will fucking block your lame ass. I HATE DRUGS. =D. Fakers. Smokers. Druggies. Alcoholics. Stating a personal opinion as a fact (learn the difference you fucking morons). Vagina. I forgot what else I was going to say.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Bones. Anderson Cooper. Fairuza Balk. Chad Hunt. Chris Cooke. Blu Kennedy. Christina Aguilera. Tom Hardy. Jack Trelor. Angelina Jolie. Jennifer Aniston. Brody Dalle. Davey Havok. Nick13. Charlize Theron. Eden Prosper. Ugly Shyla. Dave Navarro. Orlando Bloom. Johnny Depp. Greg Graffin. Carmen Electra. Danny Elfman. Tim Burton. Josh Groban. Phil Collins. Margaret Cho. Laurence Fox. Jonathan Rhys-Meyers. Razorcandi. Darenzia. Christina Ricci. Pierre Fitch.

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Posted by on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 17:08:00 GMT

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Either email me explaining who the fuck you are before requesting me, or don't fucking bother. Got it ?
Posted by on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 20:19:00 GMT