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About Me

* i LoVe GoD * i lOvE mY fAmiLy AnD fRiEnDs * I lOvE gUm * i LoVe ThE pOwErPuFf GiRlS (StiLL) : ) * I lOvE aLcOhOl, LiQuOr, BoOzE, d.) aLL oF tHe AbOvE * i LoVe LaUgHiN * I mIsS lUbBoCk............. WhEn I'm DrUnK n SeNtImEnTaL**BoB mArLeY iS mY gOdFaThEr**Contact Tables

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SeXXXy ass Vin Diesel ""Which cocktail are you?""
You're an Orgasm!! There are a few variations on this drink but one way to reach the climax is to combine equal parts of Irish cream liqueur, white creme de cacao, triple sec and vodka! Tasting like ice-cream and best enjoyed by candlelight this drink suits you down to the ground. You're sensual, sizzling and have a very sweet tooth!
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