The Violet Violet profile picture

The Violet Violet

A bloody revolution's on the way

About Me

A small boy peers from behind dark eyes, committing each instant of the music to memory. His fingers shift slightly as he watches the hands of the man who plays, and he is taken away. Mike Sandoz was eight years old the first time he recognized the significance of music in his life. Watching his uncle’s band rehearse in a musty basement in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Mike felt his body calm and his mind focus as the sounds filled him. For the first time, he felt real and alive. He longed to make music. Years later, when Mike began composing his own music as The Violet Violet, he found a way to use that vitality to open up to his own life, letting his experiences flow through him. “When the music’s right, I feel genuine, in place and free to be. I avoid the temptation to try to be understood, and just try to express.” The latest product of this expression is the self-recorded, self-released album, “The New Era,” in which The Violet Violet combines solid acoustic guitar rhythms with gently striking vocals to convey sentiments to which just about anyone can relate. It seems The Violet Violet’s abandonment of the need to be understood has resulted in expression so honest that it is hard not to get what he’s experiencing in an almost intimate way. He will begin touring this set starting August 2007. A stunning acoustic debut album behind him, The Violet Violet has turned to his next project, “White Sun Fusion,” in which he will bring in electronic accompaniment to back his gentle vocals and stirring observations. Slated for release in January 2008, individual tracks from “White Sun Fusion” will be available at as they are completed. “The New Era” will remain available for purchase, as well. A young man peers from behind dark eyes, committing each instant of the music to memory. His fingers dance over the keys and knobs before him, his head moves in rhythm, and he his taken away. He is The Violet Violet.

My Interests


Member Since: 5/9/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Mike Sandoz: guitar, vocals, programming (synths beats etc.) and whatever else you hear.
Influences: NIN, Billy Corgan, Jimmy Chamberlin, Marilyn Manson, Orgy, Filter
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Record Label:
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Gray is the road i travel home,broken and unborn.Solemn as the whispered wordswhich dangle from my lips.Red is the worn hearthanging on a thread,whose arms are strong and graspand give, and give, and ...
Posted by The Violet Violet on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST


Who am I?Am I Nobody?I am but a mere morsel of my imagination...a tiny droplet in an ocean of thought.Are we all like this?Insignificant portions of the we's we want to be?This question I ask.I pray t...
Posted by The Violet Violet on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST

Dead Little Birdie

Vanish into the night just as they describe in horror stories where the evil entity reeked carnage and fled....never to be seen again..Except that in this story that evil entity is love...My love. A d...
Posted by The Violet Violet on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST

Reflections 5/11/2003

One day it will all be gone. I will look back to todaywishing, waiting, needing to be be brought back to the placeI left so long ago...When i dropped the raindrops from my smile.This hunger...
Posted by The Violet Violet on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST


Eyes,the beginning of it allreceive then paint the portrait,the pattern of correctness for all to judgeadmire and even ridicule.Paint your death mask.Be like everyone else.Float away on the rifts of t...
Posted by The Violet Violet on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST


cut me, hold mechoke me, kiss me.let me go.drown your assumptions.send them one knowsme from me.churning inwardstwisted snapsbreaking ribs i collapse.forgive my broken bodyi hope to let me go....
Posted by The Violet Violet on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST


Tearing apart. Shredding your worth. Destroying the faith I had,which hung on a thread. Bringing it all to your knees with the seal of a kiss. I hope it was worth it.
Posted by The Violet Violet on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST

Down the Road

I will Disapeargonna get my..body outta here.when no one knows my faceill know ive won this race.and ill be ...down down down the roadgonna start to re-arrangethis heart before i change...and sing of ...
Posted by The Violet Violet on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST

Fulfill the Prophecy.

Ripping...Tearing...Impulsively gasping for breath.Clawing, crying and destroying worlds.The whisperers told the outcome...Fearing the mourning sunI open the door to the abyss.Darkness...butA mear mor...
Posted by The Violet Violet on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST

New Material

O.K is some new material im putting together for an acoustic set...with hopes of getting a band together in the future. There will be more to come so check out the site every few we...
Posted by The Violet Violet on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST