Certified!Tournament on Oct. 21...
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Characteristics: Shotokan karate training is divided into three sections. They are Kihon (basics), Kata (form), and Kumite (sparring). Kihon is the basic movements and motions that are used in the practice of this martial art. Basics include blocks (Uke), strikes (Uchi), kicks (Geri), stances (Dachi), and foot movement. The second part of shotokan is Kata or forms. Kata is a set arrangement of movements and are always the same. Kata resembles defending off multiple imaginary attackers that are attacking from different directions. By practicing Kata, the karateka polishes their stances, strikes and kicks and strengthens their skills in karate. There are over fifty different types of kata that range from beginner to highly advanced. The third part of karate is kumite or sparring. During kumite two or more karateka demonstrate movements on each other while reacting to the oppositions advances. There are different types of kumite including, ippon kumite, gohon kumite, jiyu kumite, jiyu ippon kumite. Terms: English Japanese.Karate/Empty hand,
Dojo/Place of the way,
Shihan/ Model Teacher,
Sensei/ Teacher,
Gi/ Uniform,
Kyu/ Level,
Dan/ Step,
Rei/ Courtesy/Bow,
Osu/ Aknowledgement,
Yoi/ Ready,
Hajime/ Begin,
Yame/ Stop,
Mawatte/ Turn,
Narande/ Line up,
Kihon/ Basic,
Kata/ Form,
Kumite/ Sparring,
zanshin/ Remaining mind.
Any and all people interested in martial arts and learning more about Shotokan Karate. Shotokan Karate is just one path in the "Way" of life and Martial arts.WankanNijushiho Kata .. width="425" height="350" ..Jion Kata .. width="425" height="350" ..Jitte Kata .. width="425" height="350" ..Member!
KODO DOJO- The place or school where karate is practiced. Some dojos are very formal and some are just a room or space where karate is practiced. Most Dojo are well taken care of and cleaned properly before and after a class. Some Dojo have formal entry ways for the Sensei. Respect is always shown to the Dojo by bowing when entering and leaving the area. Gichin Funakoshi's Dojo- The "House of Shoto" Dojo Kun(Dojo Rules)- the five rules of the Dojo that must be followed. The dojo kun used by the International Shotokan Karate Federation and the JKA is as follows: Exert oneself in the perfection of character, Be faithful and sincere, Cultivate the spirit of pereverance, Respect propriety, Refrain from impetuous and violent behaviour. Rank- There are several different rank systems that vary from dojo to dojo. White is typically beginner with up to 9 different colors leading up to 1st Dan or Black Belt. black belts can also progress to higher levels. There were initially only three belt colors that were white, brown, and black.
Kata: Some examples of Shotokan Kata. Bassai Dai.. width="425" height="350" ..Hangetsu kata .. width="425" height="350" .. Gojushi HO Dai Kata .. width="425" height="350" .. Empi Kata .. width="425" height="350" .. Clip of Hein Godan ( peaceful mind 5th step)
Get this video and more at MySpace.com ...Sochin Kata .. width="425" height="350" ......Advanced Kata: Bassai Sho.
Get this video and more at MySpace.com Kanku Sho Kata
Get this video and more at MySpace.com Unsu kata....these guys are good!.. width="425" height="350" ..The Italian Shotokan Karate Team.....Shotokan is practiced worldwide... width="425" height="350" .. Jon Boyd and his blindfolded katana kata......amazing!.. width="425" height="350" ..
No TV! Kumite!..........."Each year in the month of April, a great number of new students enroll in the karate classes of the universities' physical education departments - most of them, fortunately, with the dual purpose of building up their spiritual as well as physical strength. Nonetheless, there are always some whose only desire is to learn karate so as to make use of it in a fight. These almost inevitably drop out of the course before half a year has passed, for it is quite impossible for any young person whose objective is so foolish to continue very long at karate. Only those with a higher ideal will find karate interesting enough to persevere in the rigors it entails."Master Gichin Funakoshi "Karate-do Ichiro"
Best Karate: Series of 11 books by Masatoshi Nakayama............ Books by Gichin Funakoshi: Karate-Do NyuMon, Karate-do Kyghan, Karate-do My way of life, The Twenty Guiding Principles of Karate, Karate Jutsu, To-te Jitsu............Living the Martial Way by Forrest Morgan.......The Art of War by Sun Tzu......Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi.....Jeet Kun DO by Bruce Lee.
Master Funakoshi- To search for the old is to understand the new. The old, the new, this is a matter of time. In all things man must have a clear mind. The Way: Who will pass it on straight and well?- Gichin Funakoshi.. width="425" height="350" .. Jet Li .. width="425" height="350" .. Jackee Chan .. width="425" height="350" .. Donnie Yen