Scottish at Cagerattle profile picture

Scottish at Cagerattle

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Layout made by LuxI really dont give a flying fuck what other people think or do. All i know is that if your down for who you are and arent trying to kill everyone that doesnt look or act like you then your cool in my book. Sure things can get scary sometimes and you will get pissed....but whats the point of going thru life with blinders on??? if we were ALL to do that we'd all go to church every sunday, never take responsability for our own actions and continue thinking that GWB is not a war criminal. Look I've had my days of violence and it sucks, the hospital bills start pileing up and you get paranoid, so whats the point???? I am also an accomplished artist and marketing designer here in P-TownMyspace Contact Tables

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone with a right attitude and explosives......and someone who can make out in a Ministry pit without chipping teeth. Who were you anyway????? And just basically cool to be around. Trust me this is alot harder than it sounds.

My Blog

Hello Kitty Murders 2000

Does ANYBODY know what I'm talkin' about?? If ya do, let me know.
Posted by on Wed, 19 Jan 2005 18:07:00 GMT