First and foremost two things you need to know about me: I'm a follower of Christ ("Christian" has lost its meaning) and a dedicated father. As an extension of the former, I'll tell you that I teach an adult singles class at my church and am heavily involved with a local singles ministry. Furthermore, I am the creator and webmaster of a website dedicated to effective Christian single living, Finding Believers . So understand that I'm not just mentioning this as a side item, its a very integral part of my life.
After my dedication to Christ comes my love for my children. They are a priviledge in my life and I'm astounded God has placed them in my care (and their mom's too, but hey). I wish I got to spend more time with my daughter but she's 16 and has this new boyfriend who seems to enjoy sucking up all of her time. That's OK I suppose, but I hope she remembers that Dad is always here!
I've been divorced for almost 4 years now and I haven't dated anyone in over 3. It was an issue of responsibility, stress, and a general realization that happiness is not found in any relationship beyond the one with Christ. Oh, you can find happiness in a couple relationship but its certainly not necessary for a fulfilled life. So with that in mind, I've been throwing this thought around in my head: "Am I your type?" The answer: probably not.
I've reached a point in my life where I look back and see that I've got 2 children, was married for 14 years, and feel no big rush to jump into another relationship any time soon. I'm not lonely (I was after my divorce but that passed) and to tell you the truth, I see so many unhappy couples that it scares the poo out of me! Plus, I see so many broken people coming out of divorce (it comes with the territory when you are involved with singles) and so many others who rush back into bad relationships that I know I'm happy right where I am. Besides all that, I'm extremely picky because I can afford to be!
All of this just to say this: you can't find fulfillment in another person. Try all you want, but that person will not make you whole. And if you do mistakenly venture into life with that in mind, it hurts all the more when the relationship fails. If you haven't found fulfillment and wholeness in yourself (and if you are like me, in Christ) then relying on another person to complete you is faulty thinking. That is part of the reason I'm involved with singles: I want them to know that while earthly relationships can be good, they are not the final answer. Once you find that out and apply it in your life, you'll actually make a better partner when you do enter a relationship!