DIRECTIONS to the PIER!!!! Click on the Link below to get directions from the Portland Airport and Greyhound Bus Lines!DIRECTIONS From Portland Airport!!!DIRECTIONS from Greyhound Bus Line
OOB Pier Email Notifications:Want to stay updated and reminded of the latest fantastic events scheduled at the World Famous Old Orchard Beach Pier? Sign-up for our automatic events notification list today!
See our web site for details!
Keep updated about our latest events/entertainment on the pier in three ways: myspace, our mailing list, and our website -
We hope you can make it to Maine's busiest and most unique entertainment complex.
The Night Rockers
For Pete's Sake
Strict 9
Plaid Daddy
Billy McDaniel
Empty Head
The Grumps
The Implantz
Yo! Adrian
Jeff Harris
8 Track
The Awesome
Hypnotist Frank Santos Jr.
Secret Shoes
Bill Cameron
Dave Andrews
Star Faithfull
J Biddy
Dueling Cellos
Pete & Wayne
Leaving Eden
Night Rockers
Jupiter Blues
Back In Black
...and much more!
if your band is on this list with no link to your web site, that's because we don't know it. Send us your url and we'll update
If you're playing on the pier this year and don't see your band on the list, please let us know, we'll update our list
David Ortiz, Tom Brady, Larry Bird,Kevin Garnett, Ward from WARD in Portland, ME, Paul Golzbein, Rich Redmond, Jimmy the Greek, Mike Flahrety, Wes Rhames, Irish Mark, Brian Provencher, Captain Mark, Johnny Jamz, Rick Perrone, Jess Harvey, Audra Boynton, Stiffler, Amanda Cohen, Jerry, Mookie, Big Phil, Adam Beaulieu, Stacy Nast, Chris Maheu, Lance Timberlake, cold beer, Ouzo, body shots, and canadian women!!!!!!!!!!
R.I.P. Walter Hirst - you'll be missed